Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Animal Testing For The Sake Of Cosmetics - 2007 Words
â€Å"According to the view that an animal s moral claim is equivalent to a moral right, any action that fails to treat the animal as a being with inherent worth would violate that animal s right and is thus morally objectionable (Gruen).†This quote relates to a serious matter in that the use of animals in the testing of cosmetics is inhumane. Animal testing for the sake of cosmetics is a cruel, unethical and an unnecessary method of practice. There is debate among the companies in this practice (as well some people who follow the opinion of these companies) and other people who stand for the rights of animals in such practices and what end it serves. The first step to eliminate animal testing is to look what animal testing is. While the name can give one a decent idea of what it entails, the details are where the deep understanding of why it is such a hot button topic for debate is found. In the field of science and animal testing, animals go through variations of tests. One of the four common tests check if the product irritates skin and eyes. This test involves either shaving the animal to have a bare area, where the product is applied, to test for skin irritation. This irritation may develop anything from a rash to open sores and bleeding. If drops are being tested, then they are placed in the eye of an animal with the eyes held open manually by instruments to test for irritation or blindness without allowing the product to be rubbed or blinked away. Another test is whereShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing Proposal Essay1549 Words  | 7 PagesMillions of animals are being unneedlessly tested on for cosmetics, even though there are plenty of alternatives available and most of the results are unreliable or not applicable to humans. Although the fight against animal testing has made huge progress recently, America has yet to stop this cruel practice and chooses to torture animals while other countries are making a stop to the testing (â€Å"Animal Testing 101†). Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are lockedRead MoreAnimals Is Inhumane, And Animal Testing853 Words  | 4 PagesFollowing along, testing on animals is inhumane, and animal testing, an unbearable act, is universally unwanted by all. Not just animal lovers peering in through the outside disapprove or have a disliking for the tests, but also those from within (and not just the animals) have a distaste for the tests too. Animal testing may hope to advance humans (and lifestyles), whilst preventing or delaying deaths and unnecessarily assuring a cosmetic’s safety, but (ironically) at the expense or reverse ofRead MoreAnimal Testing And Its Prevalence1393 Words  | 6 Pagescruelty toward an animal and the angry or sad feelings associated with that image. The ASPCA and PETA commercials depicting abused and neglected animals are notorious. I do not see potential for the levels of inhumanity some express toward animals in any of you, but perhaps by buying from companies that support animal testing, an indirect contribution toward needless cruelty against animals takes place. III. Over the past few weeks, I have researched the ethics of animal testing and its prevalenceRead MoreMy Speech On Animal Abuse Essay1413 Words  | 6 PagesImagine spending your entire life inside a laboratory where scientists stick cosmetic products in your eyes to test it for eye irritancy. Imagine being forced to breathe smoke for up to six hours straight, every day, for as long as three years. You are not being fed, you cannot drink, you get deprived of sleep. They isolate you and amputate you. They implant electrodes on your brain to manipulate it. They sew your eyes shut, force you to do drugs and place you in a cage with electrified floor barsRead MoreEssay on Animal Testing Ethics646 Words  | 3 PagesAnimal Testing Ethics Is animal testing right or wrong? No one has really answered that so far. Everyone has their own opinion about it. I personally think that if we are not abusing the testing it should be allowed. I dont think it is necessary to test animals for every little thing that goes on the market but sure why not when it relates to a life or death thing like cancer. How else would we make sure the medications wouldn’t kill us? Safety tests are conductedRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1136 Words  | 5 PagesAnimal experimentation is not the most accurate testing, just because some medicine and cosmetic product pass an animal test it doesn’t mean it has a beneficial effect on humans. Animal tests have evolved in many ways throughout history in negative and positive ways. A strong negative being that we are different from animals but not just animals we are also different from each other. There are many arguments that we humans wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for reliance on animal testingRead MoreAnimal Testing: A True Ethical Dilemma Essay1622 Words  | 7 Pagesis the life of a laboratory animal. Animal testing is the use of animals for scientific research purposes and experiments. It can be used for the findings of cures and medicines to testing new drugs, to understanding the behavioral psychology of the animals themselves. â€Å"Around fifty to one hundred million vertebrate animals, ranging from fish to primates, are used in experiments each year†(Lloyd). There are many different terms used to describe the research on animals but two main ideas. In vivoRead MoreEssay on Animal Testing1107 Words  | 5 Pageshumans use animals for testing each year. Animal testing is when the animals are put through something or injected to see how they react to what medical research they have been used for. Its impossible to know exactly how many animals are being used in research because U.S. laws do not require scientists to report how many mice, rats, or birds they use, but it’s estimated that 90% of lab animals are mice and rats. It’s crucial that everyone know why animals should not be used for testing of harmfulRead MoreIs The Most Selfish Species On Other Human Beings?1578 Words  | 7 Pagesextinction. Some for fun, some for money and some just because. Animals are very reserved and just like to do their o wn thing. They mind their business and don’t try to pry into other’s business. Now I’m not saying that exploring is a bad thing. But what I want to get across is that we shouldn’t have to cut open and test these poor creatures that have done nothing but mind their business and keeps the cycle going. We use all kinds of animals to test out everything that we want to use. But why don’t weRead More The Cruelty of Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1381 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cruelty of Animal Testing and the Need for Alternative Methods In his book Inhumane Society: The American Way of Exploiting Animals, Dr. Michael W. Fox estimates that twenty-five to thirty-five million animals are used in the United States each year for laboratory testing and research (58). Research involving tests done on animals is unnecessary and cruel. More humane methods of research need to be employed. Fox states that animal tests on cosmetics and household products are nothing
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