Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Engineering Technology: Revolutionized Essay -- Engineering
Advance, advance is the catchphrase while depicting mankind to demonstrate that we are the prevalent race. Since the time the disclosure of innovation we have connected our brains together for the determination of progress to change the perspectives surrounding us to improve things. It’s astonishing that a basic enthusiasm for the starting will make a huge difference down to an unmistakable idea. History has demonstrated that the means forward in innovation inside building have become bigger and are finished up at a progressively quick rate and with over the most recent twenty years. Such an enormous sum has improved so fast as urban areas develop and innovation propels, designing is moving alongside the tide. Specialists that develop and see their universe of work improve each day on account of specific advances in innovation all relying upon their field. This how designing highlights developed into what they are today from with over the most recent two decades; and how the c hange will keep on progressing as present day Technology grasps a post current time. Designing has existed since the most punctual occasions of culture and maybe is one of the more seasoned lines of work on earth (the soonest innovation of building returns as right on time as the creation of the wheel). It’s unprecedented that we made significant progress since the disclosure of the wheel, the innovation that has been cultivated today just inundates the brains of individuals. Ordinary current innovation is assumed control over the psyches of individuals and they keep on adjusting to the cutting edge changes with in the consistently evolving society. Through hundreds of years there are trails left by old building and has varied from our innovation today. Through the antiquated time there has been bewildering and un-noting accomplishments of building. Like the extraordinary pyramids of Egypt and the incredible stadiums of Rome. The... ...his hands filthy and a female doesn't (an extraordinary model would be the atomic 1950’s time of the homemaker and the 9-5 father). A primary concern to why females are not the ones going out and doing the work is the view of being ladylike. Here’s a statement that shows how much soul they take in their work. â€Å"Engineering is the expert specialty of applying science to the ideal transformation of normal assets to the advantage of man†. (smith) Works Cited †¢ Scott, Henry. Designing Quotes. BrainyQuotes. N.p., 01 Jan 2010. Web. 26 Mar 2010. . †¢ engineering. 15. 4. Chicago: Britanica, 1986. Print †¢ Engineering. reference book Britanica. Britanica, 2010. Web. . †¢ Engineering and Natural Science administrators. Ocupational Outlook Handbook. Indianapolas: U.S. Branch of Labor, 2005. Print.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Weekly progress report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Week by week progress report - Coursework Example This. The surveys additionally incorporate inquiries dependent on Likert Scale. I adjusted surveys on Sunday and Monday alongside perusing other pertinent data from the book, Research Methods for Business Students. I read section 7 dependent on information examination on Tuesday and Wednesday for 4 hours every day to pick up bits of knowledge over how to break down essential and optional information On Wednesday, I began dispersing planned polls to recognized members dependent on snow ball inspecting technique. I dispersed surveys to 25 individuals on Wednesday by and by and 30 additional polls were conveyed on Thursday. I additionally recognized 45 additional respondents in the week and appropriated polls to the staying 45 respondents. Generally speaking, the whole procedure of disseminating surveys took 4 hours of time on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday In the up and coming week, I will investigate information gathered through 100 respondents. I have just gotten 50 addressed surveys and before the finish of Monday, I am hoping to get the rest of the polls. Once, I get all out quantities of polls, I will break down them fundamentally utilizing diagrams and graphs. I am additionally perusing the optional data that has been introduced in the writing survey just to distinguish the connection among essential and auxiliary data, assuming any. The thought is to introduce information in a moral and straightforward way to feature the perspectives and assessments of respondents on powerful conveyance of m-government in Oman. The entire action will take 2 days of time that implies discoveries part will be finished by Tuesday. In the coming week, I have likewise wanted to finish the conversation section including current status of m-government in Oman, current issues and path forward. In light of the investigation of essential and optional information, I will compose the end and proposal part. Generally speaking, arranging is to finished conversation and ends and
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
How to Improve Collaboration Within Research Teams - Focus
How to Improve Collaboration Within Research Teams - Focus Dialectics is an important consequence in our human brains evolution. You must have noticed that our ideas and decisions are never the result of one single thought. We tend to think various lines of thought simultaneously, with each line again branching out, often clashing with a few others before, eventually, all come to one singular conclusion. In order to arrive at a probable output, our mind argues with its own self constantly. We literally argue with ourselves. When we try to force this process, for instance because were trying to come up with a new idea during a brainstorming session, our brain takes all the information it has, crunches all its levers simultaneously and rushes toward one ecstatic Eureka moment, which may or may not come. There are tools to aid in this process, however, and one of the best ones is mind mapping. Drawing mind maps helps brainstorming new ideas as it prompts us to pay attention to the problem, and consciously consider different solutions to solve it. Essentially, a mind map is a pictorial representation of our dialectics for the problem at hand. Mind Mapping for Research Teams In our time and age, scientific research has become ineluctably multidisciplined and multifaceted. Most reputed research teams nowadays collaborate on an international scale while working on a project. We are witness to such colossal projects as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the Human Brain Project, which employ thousands of scientists from across the globe. Even though researchers often work with the most advanced scientific equipment on the planet, they somehow manage to overlook the most basic technological advancements outside of their focus area. One might be surprised to find a good number of scientists still use email as their prime mode of communication between team members, and often a ton of data recorded in analog lab books goes undigitized and without central access. Thinking back on my own time in academia I (fondly) remember hundreds of emails going back and forth between research advisors and myself and often dozens of authors editing one text document. Once the research team size exceeded ten members or so, most of the fringe research would go completely unnoticed by most team members, leaving only the principal investigator to overlook the work. In the highly competitive and fast moving world of academia having a central place for teams to collaborate, brainstorm, exchange ideas and keep track of progress is absolutely crucial. While there are a number of SaaS products targeted specifically at the needs of academia, these tools often satisfy only singular needs like writing a document or creating a data repository. A versatile collaborative platform which brings all team members onto the same page has been pretty much missing from the science landscape. Using MindMeister to Connect and Collaborate This is where MindMeister comes in. As a web-based mind mapping application, the tool offers a centralized space with information that all team members can access, edit and comment on. Team members can add links and upload attachments, effectively creating a repository that can be modified and expanded anytime. They can brainstorm and take notes in the map during meetings, and with everyone being able to access the map simultaneously, it doesnt matter whether members are in the same room or spread out across the earth. In addition to that, MindMeister offers some valuable task management capabilities through its integration with MeisterTask, a collaborative online tool where team members can visualize the individual stages of their project and stay on top of their daily to-dos. Whether youre writing an article with your co-authors, are applying for a scientific grant or monitoring your research projects progress, MindMeister will help you improve collaboration in your team and ensure important information doesnt get lost. Some scientists have even used it in their attempt to get to the moon. tl;dr MindMeister combines a collaborative platform with task management capabilities All data and ideas are stored in one central location Mind maps help focus on the big picture Try MindMeister Now This is a guest post by Sriram Kumar Sankaran. Ram used to be in academia before he became a writer. He reads Borges and Georges Perec. You can get in touch with him on LinkedIn. How to Improve Collaboration Within Research Teams - Focus Dialectics is an important consequence in our human brains evolution. You must have noticed that our ideas and decisions are never the result of one single thought. We tend to think various lines of thought simultaneously, with each line again branching out, often clashing with a few others before, eventually, all come to one singular conclusion. In order to arrive at a probable output, our mind argues with its own self constantly. We literally argue with ourselves. When we try to force this process, for instance because were trying to come up with a new idea during a brainstorming session, our brain takes all the information it has, crunches all its levers simultaneously and rushes toward one ecstatic Eureka moment, which may or may not come. There are tools to aid in this process, however, and one of the best ones is mind mapping. Drawing mind maps helps brainstorming new ideas as it prompts us to pay attention to the problem, and consciously consider different solutions to solve it. Essentially, a mind map is a pictorial representation of our dialectics for the problem at hand. Mind Mapping for Research Teams In our time and age, scientific research has become ineluctably multidisciplined and multifaceted. Most reputed research teams nowadays collaborate on an international scale while working on a project. We are witness to such colossal projects as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the Human Brain Project, which employ thousands of scientists from across the globe. Even though researchers often work with the most advanced scientific equipment on the planet, they somehow manage to overlook the most basic technological advancements outside of their focus area. One might be surprised to find a good number of scientists still use email as their prime mode of communication between team members, and often a ton of data recorded in analog lab books goes undigitized and without central access. Thinking back on my own time in academia I (fondly) remember hundreds of emails going back and forth between research advisors and myself and often dozens of authors editing one text document. Once the research team size exceeded ten members or so, most of the fringe research would go completely unnoticed by most team members, leaving only the principal investigator to overlook the work. In the highly competitive and fast moving world of academia having a central place for teams to collaborate, brainstorm, exchange ideas and keep track of progress is absolutely crucial. While there are a number of SaaS products targeted specifically at the needs of academia, these tools often satisfy only singular needs like writing a document or creating a data repository. A versatile collaborative platform which brings all team members onto the same page has been pretty much missing from the science landscape. Using MindMeister to Connect and Collaborate This is where MindMeister comes in. As a web-based mind mapping application, the tool offers a centralized space with information that all team members can access, edit and comment on. Team members can add links and upload attachments, effectively creating a repository that can be modified and expanded anytime. They can brainstorm and take notes in the map during meetings, and with everyone being able to access the map simultaneously, it doesnt matter whether members are in the same room or spread out across the earth. In addition to that, MindMeister offers some valuable task management capabilities through its integration with MeisterTask, a collaborative online tool where team members can visualize the individual stages of their project and stay on top of their daily to-dos. Whether youre writing an article with your co-authors, are applying for a scientific grant or monitoring your research projects progress, MindMeister will help you improve collaboration in your team and ensure important information doesnt get lost. Some scientists have even used it in their attempt to get to the moon. tl;dr MindMeister combines a collaborative platform with task management capabilities All data and ideas are stored in one central location Mind maps help focus on the big picture Try MindMeister Now This is a guest post by Sriram Kumar Sankaran. Ram used to be in academia before he became a writer. He reads Borges and Georges Perec. You can get in touch with him on LinkedIn.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Ras Men Seek - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 373 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/12 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Invisible Man Essay Did you like this example? Before long, the storyteller discovers Clifton in the city offering Sambo dolls. Clifton has left the gathering. White policemen question Clifton, who does not have an allow to offer things in the city, and amid a fight, the police shoot and slaughter Clifton. The storyteller lauds Clifton, painting him as a legend, and his words move open assumption toward Clifton. Be that as it may, the storyteller has arranged the memorial service without the Brotherhoods authorization, making Brother Jack exceptionally irate. Ras men seek after the storyteller, so he utilizes shades and a cap as a camouflage. The storyteller at last touches base at Brother Hambros flat and discovers that the Brotherhood is beginning to limit Harlem. Sibling Hambro says that the gathering could really compare to any single individuals needs. The storyteller chooses to play alongside the desire for undermining the Brotherhood from inside. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Ras Men Seek" essay for you Create order Mobs have broken out in Harlem, and the Brotherhood means to utilize these for their own finishes. The storyteller falls in with a gathering of raiders who torch an apartment building. Meandering without end, he experiences Ras, who is currently riding a steed, furnished with a lance, and calling himself The Destroyer. Ras approaches the crowd to lynch the storyteller. The storyteller escapes and falls into a sewer vent. Two white policemen discover him; expecting him to be in control of plundered property, they seal him in. The epic closures with the storyteller saying hes been underground from that point forward, thinking about how he can remain consistent with his uniqueness while as yet keeping up his connections to the gathering. Hes recounted his story to assist other individuals with their very own imperceptibility. The significant subject of the novel is the connection among race and individual personality, particularly how prejudice can affect a persons feeling of self. The storyteller must choose various occasions between his needs and needs and the requirements of the Brotherhood. This is muddled by the way that racial bias makes individuals see him just as they need to see him, in the event that they see him by any means. Visual impairment is a common theme all through the novel. Various characters cant see, blindfolded, or blinded over the span of the book.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Animal Testing For The Sake Of Cosmetics - 2007 Words
â€Å"According to the view that an animal s moral claim is equivalent to a moral right, any action that fails to treat the animal as a being with inherent worth would violate that animal s right and is thus morally objectionable (Gruen).†This quote relates to a serious matter in that the use of animals in the testing of cosmetics is inhumane. Animal testing for the sake of cosmetics is a cruel, unethical and an unnecessary method of practice. There is debate among the companies in this practice (as well some people who follow the opinion of these companies) and other people who stand for the rights of animals in such practices and what end it serves. The first step to eliminate animal testing is to look what animal testing is. While the name can give one a decent idea of what it entails, the details are where the deep understanding of why it is such a hot button topic for debate is found. In the field of science and animal testing, animals go through variations of tests. One of the four common tests check if the product irritates skin and eyes. This test involves either shaving the animal to have a bare area, where the product is applied, to test for skin irritation. This irritation may develop anything from a rash to open sores and bleeding. If drops are being tested, then they are placed in the eye of an animal with the eyes held open manually by instruments to test for irritation or blindness without allowing the product to be rubbed or blinked away. Another test is whereShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing Proposal Essay1549 Words  | 7 PagesMillions of animals are being unneedlessly tested on for cosmetics, even though there are plenty of alternatives available and most of the results are unreliable or not applicable to humans. Although the fight against animal testing has made huge progress recently, America has yet to stop this cruel practice and chooses to torture animals while other countries are making a stop to the testing (â€Å"Animal Testing 101†). Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are lockedRead MoreAnimals Is Inhumane, And Animal Testing853 Words  | 4 PagesFollowing along, testing on animals is inhumane, and animal testing, an unbearable act, is universally unwanted by all. Not just animal lovers peering in through the outside disapprove or have a disliking for the tests, but also those from within (and not just the animals) have a distaste for the tests too. Animal testing may hope to advance humans (and lifestyles), whilst preventing or delaying deaths and unnecessarily assuring a cosmetic’s safety, but (ironically) at the expense or reverse ofRead MoreAnimal Testing And Its Prevalence1393 Words  | 6 Pagescruelty toward an animal and the angry or sad feelings associated with that image. The ASPCA and PETA commercials depicting abused and neglected animals are notorious. I do not see potential for the levels of inhumanity some express toward animals in any of you, but perhaps by buying from companies that support animal testing, an indirect contribution toward needless cruelty against animals takes place. III. Over the past few weeks, I have researched the ethics of animal testing and its prevalenceRead MoreMy Speech On Animal Abuse Essay1413 Words  | 6 PagesImagine spending your entire life inside a laboratory where scientists stick cosmetic products in your eyes to test it for eye irritancy. Imagine being forced to breathe smoke for up to six hours straight, every day, for as long as three years. You are not being fed, you cannot drink, you get deprived of sleep. They isolate you and amputate you. They implant electrodes on your brain to manipulate it. They sew your eyes shut, force you to do drugs and place you in a cage with electrified floor barsRead MoreEssay on Animal Testing Ethics646 Words  | 3 PagesAnimal Testing Ethics Is animal testing right or wrong? No one has really answered that so far. Everyone has their own opinion about it. I personally think that if we are not abusing the testing it should be allowed. I dont think it is necessary to test animals for every little thing that goes on the market but sure why not when it relates to a life or death thing like cancer. How else would we make sure the medications wouldn’t kill us? Safety tests are conductedRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1136 Words  | 5 PagesAnimal experimentation is not the most accurate testing, just because some medicine and cosmetic product pass an animal test it doesn’t mean it has a beneficial effect on humans. Animal tests have evolved in many ways throughout history in negative and positive ways. A strong negative being that we are different from animals but not just animals we are also different from each other. There are many arguments that we humans wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for reliance on animal testingRead MoreAnimal Testing: A True Ethical Dilemma Essay1622 Words  | 7 Pagesis the life of a laboratory animal. Animal testing is the use of animals for scientific research purposes and experiments. It can be used for the findings of cures and medicines to testing new drugs, to understanding the behavioral psychology of the animals themselves. â€Å"Around fifty to one hundred million vertebrate animals, ranging from fish to primates, are used in experiments each year†(Lloyd). There are many different terms used to describe the research on animals but two main ideas. In vivoRead MoreEssay on Animal Testing1107 Words  | 5 Pageshumans use animals for testing each year. Animal testing is when the animals are put through something or injected to see how they react to what medical research they have been used for. Its impossible to know exactly how many animals are being used in research because U.S. laws do not require scientists to report how many mice, rats, or birds they use, but it’s estimated that 90% of lab animals are mice and rats. It’s crucial that everyone know why animals should not be used for testing of harmfulRead MoreIs The Most Selfish Species On Other Human Beings?1578 Words  | 7 Pagesextinction. Some for fun, some for money and some just because. Animals are very reserved and just like to do their o wn thing. They mind their business and don’t try to pry into other’s business. Now I’m not saying that exploring is a bad thing. But what I want to get across is that we shouldn’t have to cut open and test these poor creatures that have done nothing but mind their business and keeps the cycle going. We use all kinds of animals to test out everything that we want to use. But why don’t weRead More The Cruelty of Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1381 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cruelty of Animal Testing and the Need for Alternative Methods In his book Inhumane Society: The American Way of Exploiting Animals, Dr. Michael W. Fox estimates that twenty-five to thirty-five million animals are used in the United States each year for laboratory testing and research (58). Research involving tests done on animals is unnecessary and cruel. More humane methods of research need to be employed. Fox states that animal tests on cosmetics and household products are nothing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Does Economic Wealth Lead to Well-Being Free Essays
Does Economic Wealth Lead To Well-being? In 1974, USC Professor Easterlin put forward that within a country the rich have higher average subjective well-being (SWB) than the poor. Nevertheless, the average SWB is uncorrelated with income between rich countries and poor countries. For example, the Gallup poll of 2012 well-being from Livescience website (2011) shows that Panama has 61% of people who said they are thriving, which had a greater score than the USA. We will write a custom essay sample on Does Economic Wealth Lead to Well-Being or any similar topic only for you Order Now The modern economy based on the opinion that the growth in the economy can lead to SWB increases. Surprisingly, economic growth does not bring more happiness. Therefore, this is the Easterlin Paradox. One explanation is ignoring variables, in the first part of this essay, noneconomic factors such as health, environment or family will be discussed, and these factors will counteract the positives of wealth. Then the second part will account for why economic wealth cannot measure happiness. There is also a certain amount of opinion to support economic wealth give rise to happiness. It will be presented by discussing GDP issues in part three. Well-being does not only depend on economic factors, but it also be influenced by work, environment, health or family relations etc. The Weighted Index of Social Progress sees Sweden, Denmark and Norway on top, while the Happy Planet Index sees Colombia and Costa Rica among the leaders (Measures of Well-being, 2006). And a few South American countries’ SWB is as high as developed countries such as Puerto Rico, or Guatemala. The above cases show that economy is one of the elements in estimating SWB. It is evidence that economic wealth results in the working burden raising dramatically. Working pressure disrupts the staff’s life balance and thousands of work makes staff feel anxious every day. As the economy grows rapidly, the environment is polluted heavily. It is evident that the quality of environment decreasing gives rise to individuals’ SWB fall. Another contributing factor is health which is regarded as the most important aspect by the majority of people. Better health conditions give people confidence as well as well-being. Sometimes, individuals are entangled with family issues, and the negative effects from family cancel out the positive effects from economic income. If a government considers increasing SWB, it should make more in policies that promote good governance, liberties, democracy, trust and public safety (Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, 2011). Personal satisfaction lies in diverse factors, and earning does not play a major role. Section 2 will be devoted to the two explanations why GDP cannot measure the real SWB, especially in developed countries. A United Nations reported that the UK is only the 18th happiest place to live (British people are more miserable than Costa Ricans and Israelis, UN finds, 2012). Firstly, take case of a rabbit eats carrot. A rabbit finds a room filled with a large quantity of carrots while the rabbit is going to starve to dying. Apparently the rabbit will gobble down the carrots, but the carrots will be become less attractive when the rabbit is almost full. According to the story, in rich countries the SWB rises up to a particular point, but it will never go beyond point. That is the reason why advanced countries (for example, USA, UK, France and Germany) SWB was not ranked in the top position. In reality, money is the carrot. The meaning of 100 dollars is significantly dissimilar between beggars and billionaires. When economy develops to a certain extent, economic factors cannot measure happiness because there are several variables to act on the SWB simultaneously. An amount of factors were introduced at the last paragraph. The second explanation is more psychological. The major determinant of SWB is the relative life condition (comparing with people in the same level) rather than the real life condition. Being more specific, if one individual has better living condition than the other people who live in the same area, the one is more satisfied. This psychological comparison is called keep up with the Joneses. For this reason, the SWB will not change even if economic growth brings about rising incomes. For instance, on the one hand, country people live in the countryside and local residents lead the similar country life. On the other hand, people who live in urban areas lead completely diverse lives. Their social circles usually have a great number of affluent individuals, so the psychological pressure which is caused by the wealth comparison is greater than the happiness of high income. There are also positive views to support economic growth leads to SWB. To be empirical, countries with a lower GDP typically have more problems. Taking an example of Africa, according to the graph of geography of happiness from the Economist website (2010), countries at the bottom (mostly African) had lower score (The rich, the poor and Bulgaria, 2010). Most areas of Africa are rural. Africans now distinctly desire a better life. Although rich countries are clearly happier, the correlation is not perfect (The rich, the poor and Bulgaria, 2010). In the research of assistant professor Stevenson, they take a 0 to 10 life satisfaction scale to survey the work. People who live in the rich countries place themselves around 7 and 8. At the same time, people in the poor countries consider themselves at about 3. As the matter of fact, increasing GDP can raise average satisfaction. For instance, nations with booming GDP imply government can spend more capital on health care, education or environmental protection. It is not apparent that a lager GDP measures citizen’s health, education or intelligence directly, but it does continue to contribute to citizen’s life. This paragraph provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions of this paper. Firstly, basic needs are meet differences in well-being are less frequently due to income, and more frequently due to factors such as social relationships and enjoyment at work (Why money doesn’t buy happiness, 2007), different variables influence SWB jointly. Secondly, two explanations were presented to interpret that GDP cannot measure the real SWB. The saturating point exists in the process of economic development promotes SWB, and then the economic factors will not be crucial. What is more, the psychological comparison is a vital determinant in SWB, though the income rising expressively brings plentiful happiness. Thirdly, GDP can increase national SWB authentically. To individuals, large income raises SWB in the short term. There are a number of separable components of SWB (Diener, 2000). Thus, money does not buy happiness. SWB is difficult to be calculated and can be measured in different ways. Happiness, as the ultimate goal, requires the most encompassing measure (measuring of well-being, 2006). Bibliography 1. Deutsche Bank Research, 2006, Measures of Well-being. Available from http://www. dbresearch. com/PROD/DBR_INTERNET_EN-PROD/PROD0000000000202587. PDF [Accessed 19 April 2012] 2. Dinener, E. 2000. Subjective Well-being: The Science of Happiness and Proposal for a National Index. American Psychologist, vol. 55, No. 1, 34-43. 3. Livesciene, 2011, Top 19 Happiest Countries (and the 20 saddest). Available from http://www. livescience. com/13790-19-happiest-countries-20-saddest. html [Accessed 16 April 2012] 4. The Daily Beast, 2007, Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness. Available from http://www. thedailybeast. com/newsweek/2007/10/14/why-money-doesn-t-buy-happiness. html [Accessed 19 April 2012] 5. The Economist, 2010, Comparing Countries. The rich, the poor and Bulgaria. Money really can buy you happiness. Available from http://www. economist. com/node/17722557. html [Accessed 26 April 2012] 6. The Telegraph, 2012, British people are more miserable than Costa Ricans and Israelis, UN finds. Available from http://www. thetelegraph. co. uk/lifestyle/9184916/British-people-are-more-miserable-than-Costa-Ricans-and-Isrealis-UN-finds. html [Accessed 4 May 2012] 7. Yale School of management, What Are the Economics of Happiness? Available from http://bpp. wharton. upenn. edu/betseys/press%20reaction/Easterlin%20Paradox/YaleSOMInterview. pdf [Accessed 26 April 2012] How to cite Does Economic Wealth Lead to Well-Being, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ethical Analysis for Public Policy and Management- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theEthical Analysis for Public Policy and Management. Answer: The first ethical dilemma present in the company includes the work of Harry. Although, Harry is a great programmer by profession, his skills of freelancing are to be considered. As an employee is bound to a company for his work, freelancing cannot be done whilst still under the supervisions of the company mentioned. This is the first ethical dilemma. This dilemma is mainly about the consultation services he is aware of and not the program creations. The next ethical dilemma is the consideration made by Jill. The IT security Head of FABIO needs to rethink the position Jack is in. As he has spent considerable amount of time in redesigning the software as well as testing it, the considerations made by her is to be changed. As seen in the case study, she rejects the proposition of Jack without saying any reasons for her actions. It is clearly evident that Jill do not likes the success and actions made by Harry. This is the next ethical dilemma in the case study. The next dilemma is the personal friendship dilemma. This is mainly used to denote the friendship between Brockley and Jill. As Brockley is the executive head of IT, his personal friendship can lead to an impact in the whole company. Due to their personal opinion, Harry suffered for the losses. Although, the reasons for the termination of employment of Harry were his freelancing services, the actions of Brockley are not justified. This section of the analysis discusses about the various issues related to the ethics and their analysis. This section discusses about the facts in the provided study. The first ethical dilemma present in the company includes the work of Harry. Although, Harry is a great programmer by profession, his skills of freelancing are to be considered. As an employee is bound to a company for his work, freelancing cannot be done whilst still under the supervisions of the company mentioned. The next ethical dilemma is the consideration made by Jill. The IT security Head of FABIO needs to rethink the position Jack is in. As he has spent considerable amount of time in redesigning the software as well as testing it, the considerations made by her is to be changed. The next dilemma is the personal friendship dilemma. This is mainly used to denote the friendship between Brockley and Jill. As Brockley is the executive head of IT, his personal friendship can lead to an impact in the whole company. All the three points discussed above raises an ethical dilemma. The main issue that was resulted is the termination of a dedicated and talented employee (Case Study - Transcript, 2017). The first dilemma has the possibility of harm to Harry. As freelancing cannot be facilitated, the main harm can lead to losing his employment. The second problem of Jill taking personal favor, the main potential harm is Jill losing her respect in the company and Harry losing his reputations. As he was concerned with the software for a long time, ethical issues like this will cause an impact in the mental well-being. This is evident by harry totally losing the prospects of the software development. The last ethical problem is the personal friendship among Brockley and Jill. This is the cause for terminations of Harry. The main harm was that of Harry losing his job. In addition, as the CEO of FABIO decided to employ Harry, the ethical dilemma due to the report of the case poses harm to Brockley as well as Jill. This can lead to both of them losing their respect in the company. The main stakeholders are Jill, Harry and Brockley. The major ethical dilemma is the presence of freelancing activities done by Harry. As an employee is bound to a company for his work, freelancing cannot be done whilst still under the supervisions of the company mentioned. As it is seen that both Jill and Brockley was not in favor of the activities done by Harry as well as his successes, the main ethical dilemma lies in this. As Harry gave them an idea about the major freelancing activities due to which they got an opportunity to fire him from the company (Case Study - Transcript, 2017).. This is the main ethical dilemma which is the root cause for all the problems. In case Harry did not consider the freelancing activities from his house, Jill and Brockley would not have the opportunity to terminate him. Thus, the major ethical dilemma lies in the fact of freelancing by Harry. Consequentialism: If freelancing activity is done by Harry, he will be the only one who will be harmed. As such, the other stakeholders will be given the chance for considering the termination of Harry. Thus, the main harm will be faced by Harry himself. In addition, the ethical dilemma of Brockley to consider the re-employment of Harry is also another reason where he will also be harmed. If the freelancing activities are not done by Harry, Jill and Brockley is the one who will be harmed. They will not be provided with the idea of terminating the employment of Harry and this is the main harm. In addition, Harry will also be harmed. As he made great software, it has to be used. In case Harry had decided to not do the freelancing activities by himself, it would have affected the mental well-being of him. In addition, the ethical dilemma of Brockley to consider the re-employment of Harry would not have been of any problem by Brockley. Alternative A results in the least harm among the two. It is seen that in A, the most harmed is Harry and Brockley whereas in B, the most harmed are Jill along with Harry and Brockley. If freelancing activity is done, Harry will benefit. As the main aim for such activity is the use of the created software, the main benefit will be of Harry. However, the benefit of Jill and Brockley to consider for termination of employment is also to be considered. Furthermore, if freelancing was not being done, Harry would not have been fired and he would not have come into the contact of the CEO of FABIO. Thus, it is the benefit for Harry for continuing the freelancing activities. In case the freelancing is not done, only Brockley will benefit. It is because he will not face the ethical dilemma of considering the re-employment of Harry. D provides the maximum benefit which can be seen by the above sections. Rights and Duties: Although, Harry is a great programmer by profession, his skills of freelancing are to be considered. As an employee is bound to a company for his work, freelancing cannot be done whilst still under the supervisions of the company mentioned. This is the right of the company to terminate the employment of Harry due to his neglected duties towards the company. Kants Categorical Imperative: If freelancing activity is done by Harry, he will be the only one who will be disrespected. As such, the other stakeholders will be given the chance for considering the termination of Harry. In addition, the ethical dilemma of Brockley to consider the re-employment of Harry is also another reason where disrespect is possible. If the freelancing activities are not done by Harry, Jill and Brockley will not be provided with the idea of terminating the employment of Harry. As he made great software, it has to be used. In case Harry had decided to not do the freelancing activities by himself, it would have affected the mental well-being of him which is the main disrespect to a programmer like him. H is preferable as an alternative as the amount of disrespects are less in this case. If freelancing is done, Harry will be the one to be affected. His terminations will be in order where he will be treated unlike others. If freelancing is not done, no one will be treated unlike others. L is preferable as no one will be treated unlike others. In case everyone did action for freelancing by Harry, he would have faced termination. In case nobody did anything, Harry would have considered the freelancing activities in his free time. N is preferable as it led Harry to receive the chance for re-employment by the CEO of FABIO. Discussion: Although, Harry is a great programmer by profession, his skills of freelancing are to be considered (Case Study - Transcript, 2017). As an employee is bound to a company for his work, freelancing cannot be done whilst still under the supervisions of the company mentioned. a) The proposition for the software had to be checked. This is the main decision for the ethical dilemma as the root cause for freelancing is the fact that Jill did not consider the ideas for considering the software of Harry. b) The first step is the consideration of the software checking to be applied for the company. The next step is the neglecting of freelancing activities as this the cause for termination of Harry. References: Case Study - Transcript. (2017). [ebook] Available at: https://1726012_1331071803_EthicsAssignment2017.pdf [Accessed 25 Sep. 2017]. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Hffe, O., 2013. Anthropology and Metaphysics in Kants Categorical Imperative of Law.Kant on Practical Justification: Interpretive Essays, pp.110-24. Kant, I., 2014. The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative.The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Moral Problems, pp.87-99. Lawton, A., van der Wal, Z. and Huberts, L. eds., 2015.Ethics in public policy and management: A global research companion. Routledge. O'Neill, O., 2013.Acting on principle: An essay on Kantian ethics. Cambridge University Press. Pullen, A. and Rhodes, C. eds., 2015.The Routledge companion to ethics, politics and organizations. Routledge. Sherman, N., 2014. The place of emotions in Kantian morality. InKant on Emotion and Value(pp. 11-32). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Critical Themes In The Writings Of Hemingway Essays -
Critical Themes In The Writings Of Hemingway Critical Themes in the Writings of Hemingway: Life & Death, Fishing, War, Sex, Bullfighting, and the Mediterranean Region Hemingway brought a tremendous deal of what is middle class Americanism into literature, without very many people recognizing what he has done. He had nothing short of a writers mind; a mind like a vacuum cleaner that swept his life experiences clean, picking up any little thing, technique, or possible subject that might be of use (Astro 3). From the beginning, Hemingway had made a careful and conscientious formula for the art of the novel (Hoffman 142). This preconceived formula contained certain themes that recur with great frequency and power throughout Hemingways writings. Such themes include an obsessive fascination with life and death, an interest in fishing, war, bullfighting, a strange perception of sex and an unusual fixation on the Mediterranean region. In Hemingways writings, the symbols are implicit; they follow the laws of reality to such a degree that in themselves they form a whole story (Wilson 2). Hemingways heros battles consist of conquering dread, a dread which is connected with earlier experiences, and which appears as a fear of life or death. These two elements, life and death, seem to take two opposite forms, but in reality they are the same. Life ends with death, because death is a constituent part of life, therefore life includes death (Scott 24). If you follow the main lines through Hemingways writings, you will very easily discover that everything deals with a sick, mortally wounded mans fight to overcome the dread arising from his meeting with life (Young 21). In Hemingways world, death begins in childhood, as described with unsurpassed mastery in the short story Indian Camp. This story tells of young boy, Nick, who is present while his father, the doctor, performs a cesarean section on an Indian woman, without anesthesia, equipped with only a jackknife and fishing leaders to sew the wound up with. The Indian womans husband lies in the upper bunk during the operation, with the woolen blanket drawn up over his head. When they lift up the blanket, he has cut his throat. It is here that Hemingways long autobiography begins; this is how it feels to be human. Nick, the hero, has received his wound. He is scared to death, and all of his later experiences are more or less repetitions and variations of the same theme (Rovit 98). Hemingways field of vision was filled with cruelty, violence and pain. It bids fair to become his only theme, but soon another is added: What does one do to survive? Hemingways answer: fishing and hunting. This was because Hemingway, at 14, experienced the loss of his father through suicide, and was left with the skills of fishing and hunting that he had learned from his father as a young boy (Young 15). The lonely man with the rod fishing endlessly up and down a river seeks what all fisherman with a spiritual life get out of fishing: peace of soul. In its universality it quite simply belongs with being outdoors, with being alone in the woods and camping out, sleeping deeply, and looking at the river when you wake. The fish has purity as a life element. The fly, hook, or the spoon bait that enters the water sinks in reality down into the mind. The theme of fishing is exemplary in Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea. Here the man and his fate are all alone: man, sky, sea and boat. All external circumstances are taken away, only the human and the battle remain. Deep under this man in his boat there moves a being, wet, shiny, big and strange. This is the fish. It is lifes mystery that he has beneath him. He is on the ocean with life (Brenner 67). The old man pursues this mystery alone on his vessel. For three days it drags him out to sea. He talks to the fish, and he understands it. He is close to the very inmost, ultimate thing in life. And yet he takes the fishes life. He then sails back to land with the swordfish latched to the side of the boat. To him, this
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Tobbaco is Wacko essays
Tobbaco is Wacko essays As the cancer slowly ate away the smokers lungs, three teenagers picked up their first pack of cigarettes. Only one product kills 1/3 of its users... Tobacco. As you finish reading this paragraph an estimated 21 people will have died because of tobacco. Tobacco is addictive and extremely harmful not only to the consumer but to the people around them as well. It took 62 deaths to recall Firestone tires, shouldnt 120,000 deaths a day be a good enough reason to make tobacco illegal? Cigarettes contain 4000 toxins and 101 different poisons including arsenic, cyanide (rat poison), carbon monoxide (a poisons gas), ammonia (household cleaner), lead, benzene (Rubber cement), tar, cadmium (used in batteries), hydrogen cyanide (Gas used for executions in gas chamber), and polonium (radioactive poison that is equal to 100 chest x-rays). The total number of deaths a day related to tobacco products is greater than deaths from suicide, traffic accidents, AIDS, murder, drugs, and alcohol... combined. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death in America. Cigarettes cause lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, larynx cancer, esophagus cancer, stomach cancer, pancreas cancer, uterus cancer, cervix cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and some forms of leukemia, heart disease, heart attack, fatal heart failure, and stroke as if that wasnt enough they also cause pulmonary diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, and tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea). When pregnant women smoke it is like the baby is also. Birth defects or complications could accrue such as, miscarriage, premature birth, especially, low-birth-weight, and babies with developmental problems. Nicotine depresses the appetite at a time when a woman should be gaining weight, and smoking reduces the ability of the lungs to absorb oxygen. Deprived of nourishment and oxygen, a fetus may not grow as fast as it should. ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Importance of Multicultural Managemnt in Hotel Industry in Sudan Essay
The Importance of Multicultural Managemnt in Hotel Industry in Sudan to Sustain a Competitive Advantage - Essay Example Conversely, attached with customer satisfaction although, is perceptive of what please and inspire staff. The relationship connecting the two occurrence has been ready by several business leaders and theorists in similar. The hotel industry of Sudan says the employees are mainly priceless resource. Employee comfort and their height of satisfaction have been initiated to openly shock on managerial performance and eventually managerial achievement. The disappointed staffs are improbable to foster a fulfilled customer base, and displeased customers openly crash with bottom line. The extent of the staff understanding is an essential fraction of increasing the consumer experience. â€Å"Employee loyalty, and perceived employee commitment had a sizable impact on perceived product quality and on perceived service quality. Employee satisfaction not only affects employee commitment and employee loyalty, but it also has a twofold impact (i.e., direct and indirect) on critical customer satisfa ction-related variables†(Bulgarella 2005, p. 3). Staff Perception on Hotel Management: The study scrutinize Staff' Perceptions of Hotel industry of Sudan. Consequences of dynamic analysis specify that hotel organization profession organization can be established by four proportions: fair encouragement, paying concentration to training, profession self-cognitive and information simplicity. Normally in words, foreign-owned hotel has a benefit above the other types of hotels in the four dimensions. The organization profession management has extra constructive control on Staff behavior. Managers Questionnaire: The manager’s questionnaire gives much insight on the various managerial experiences, multicultural analysis, various attitudes and the diversification at the work place. The different type of the anticipation to encourage others to do extra than they initially intended. In the cafe industry, as privileged the managers are supposed to trigger the individual relationa l and combined uniqueness of the supporters to explicate the fundamental Influence process based by change. It is frequently implicit that the effectiveness in the hotel industry is reliant principally on the employees. As the questionnaire is measured, Open-ended questions are cautiously worded to be as impartial as probable without generating uncomfortable circumstances or aberrant interviewees. Interview questionnaires for managers were pilot tested for checking for any vagueness or perplexity of questions. Employee’s Attitude and Perception of Manager’s Actions: The research findings point out that in order to create multicultural change flourishing in the hotel industry, the managers be supposed to be attentive at all times to employee’s response to change. If staff do not collaborate with managers and do not work in partnership with workmates, customer service deliverance will get worse. Managers ought to appreciate employees’ recognition and eagern ess to affect and sustain modify in order to check poor customer scrutinize and the resignation of employees. Most of the interviewed employees optional that managers should supply encouragement and inspiration for their staff to uphold and develop customer service performance. Managers are being accountable for the accomplishment of organizational alteration should pay interest to their communique approach with staff, employees’ approach, insight of managers’
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Why do you want to be a petroleum engineer. As a nigerian student in Essay
Why do you want to be a petroleum engineer. As a nigerian student in Texas A&M University - Essay Example In spite of the economic climate, active recruitment of graduates in the discipline of Petroleum Engineering by oil companies remains buoyant. Job prospects for Petroleum Engineers are abundant both within Nigeria and abroad. My cousins are Petroleum Engineers and have been working in the Gulf States for over a decade. They are a huge source of motivation for me. Having seen them successfully progress professionally as Petroleum Engineers, getting a degree in Petroleum Engineering is not a decision that I have reached in a hurry. I have been learning about Petroleum Engineering by consulting such websites over the Internet as Rigzone and SPE as well as watching university lectures. Once I went to Mount Pilchuck with my friends for climbing and was amazed to see how the rock composition varied from one level to another. Learning how geological variations impact our ability to develop a field would be fascinating. Opportunities for excelling academically in Petroleum Engineering are tremendous. Every year, thousands of scholarships are offered to the qualifying graduates of Petroleum Engineering worldwide. Being an interdisciplinary field, students study a broad range of subjects including thermodynamics, geology, mathematics, chemistry, and fluid mechanics. I can easily specialize in one of these core subjects of Petroleum Engineering after
Monday, January 27, 2020
Musical Form And Structure
Musical Form And Structure What is the difference between music and noise? In a personal point of view, one important difference is that music makes sense. It has its own structure, basic patterns and it shows how composers made the pieces by their logic as well as their elaborate management. Therefore I would say, a piece without any structure and form can be only called noise instead of music. To research the structures and forms of a piece, we have to know what the structure is as well as what the form is, when I was studying in schools, I thought the structure is the different themes and how they were connected to each other; the form would be sonata form, ternary or something like minuet. After getting deeper into some Twentieth Century composers and their music, I realized it is not as simple as that. Firstly, the structure in music means the complex composition of musical knowledge or experiments as elements and their combinations. And the form in music means the shape and the figure throughout the whole work. I consider that in music, structure and form are both extremely important somehow we can analyze structure by a macro view and seek form by a micro view. Children who study in music schools learn some early period formal music structures and forms such as analyzing pieces by Bach and Beethoven We all knew about many basic forms in music since childhood. But in the modern world, music gets mystic and complicated. For some audiences, it is impossible to realize any structure in contemporary music such as John Cages piece: 433. They think the piece was just composed like a blank paper. Structure and form seems never existed in this music. I have to say, people whom consider contemporary music does not have structure or form just do not understand the music itself at all. Everything has a reason to be there, such as composers have their own notions of creating music. To prove this view, and to show the forms and structures in John Cages 433, I will analyze this piece below. 1. Introduction John Cage has made a huge experiment on this composition 433 to the world. Unfortunately the first performance of this piece was like a scandal. It was written in 1952, his so-called piece in silence. Performers basically go on to the stage and play nothing for exactly four minutes and thirty-three seconds. At the premiere some listeners did not even realize they had heard anything at all. Obviously audiences were angry and felt being deceived after the concert. The premiere was performed by the young pianist David Tudor at Woodstock, New York, on August 29, 1952.1 433 was written for any instrument or any instruments combination. NOTE: The title of this work is the total length in minutes and seconds of its performance. At Woodstock, N.Y., August 29, 1952, the title was 433 and the three parts were 33, 240, and 120. It was performed by David Tudor, pianist, who indicated the beginnings of parts by closing, the endings by opening, and the keyboard lid. However, the work may be performed by (any) instrumentalist or combination of instrumentalists and last any length of time.2 FOR IRWIN KREMEN JOHN CAGE _________________________ 1 J.Cage, Silence: Lectures and Writings (USA, 1961), 102. 2 J.Cage, A year from Monday: new lectures and writings (USA, 1985), 77. From the statement above, we can already see some basic structures in this piece: it is divided in three parts, and the lengths of them were 33, 240 and 120. (There are two ways of dividing this music, which I have mentioned below) 2. Materials John Cage has used a few materials, or elements to compose 433. Through this piece, Tacet (As the image of the score shows) is one of the materials. However, another material which people always ignore is the division of tacets. Image of John Cages writing of this piece Base on the score, Cage used division twice to make three tacets in the whole piece. And these two divisions and three tacets formed this composition logically, thus:  ¼Ã‹â€ I ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °TacetDivision ¼Ã‹â€ II ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °TacetDivision ¼Ã‹â€ III ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Tacet 3. Analyze Cage has clearly shown the tacet in this piece. But about the division, we can analyze it in different ways. If we think mathematically, use tacets and divisions to build a function: If division is independent variable x, the musical form is dependent variable y, then based on the function mode y=f(x), we can get this: Form = Tacets (Divisions) Now we calculate this mode, we get two different results: 1. Tacet-Division-Tacet-Division-Tacet If we make Division bigger and bigger, then it becomes the part of the piece, (as important as tacets), therefore we can get this musical form: A-B-A-B-A 2. Tacet-(Division)-Tacet-(Division)-Tacet If we make Division smaller and smaller, until it has but only has the ability of dividing Tacets, then we can get this musical form: A1-A2-A3 Those two forms we all have studied in early schools, so I am not going to talk about them further here. As we can see from this image statement, John Cage has given some freedom in this piece to the performers The performance in Woodstock gave the timings 33, 240, and 120, but the original print program says that the timings were 30, 223, and 140. Also as I mentioned above, this silent piece could be played by any single instrument or any combination of instruments. It is a freedom piece But that does not mean this piece has no form however it divides, we can still find the forms. People may ask, although the piece has a form such as A-B-A-B-A or A1-A2-A3, it still does not have a very convictive structure. How did John Cage make three movements out of this piece and how did he determine the length for each of them? These three parts seem unlikely balanced and managed. Well, in that case, Cage has pointed to this particular Tarot card formation when shown a number of possible configurations: This is one of the most complicated configurations and is organized in three parts of concentric horseshoes. Each horseshoe has represented one movement, with these cards which bearing a length that could have been plus to the duration of each movement. The point above seems to be able to answer a lot of questions about the structure of this silent piece. It illustrates how the movements were built up by those little silent cards, also how the composer can know when a movement finishes, why he made this piece into three parts. Somehow these questions seem to have a greater effect on what we hear. However, we can suppose that he used these cards for his composition and it shows the decision of three movements. When people asked about the differences in time lengths of the scores, Cage said that it could be of any length. This does not mean that the formal structure of this piece could be violated at all. He said that it would still be titled 433, also the durations of the movements mu st be determined by some type of chance procedure, and it must be in three movements. 3 This piece seems to be very difficult for performers after seen this Tarot Cards formation. Because it becomes so easy to make mistakes and miss the beats. But Cage said that this is not the point. The point is about the feeling it creates, both the performers and audiences are dispensable. What the piece needs is a devoted and interesting listener. However, those methods which Cage used for 433 have offered the audiences a huge freedom area. The point, the meaning of this piece has changed. Normally we try the best to do what composer says on the score, now we do what we feel and define our own potentials. The structure that Cage used was mathematical for composer as well as humanized for performers and listeners. Although this piece has no harmony and melody lines, it still has a strong meaning. The spirit of Cage, like what Alex Ross said about this piece in his book The music was the sound of the surrounding space. It was at once a head-spinning philosophical statement and a Zen- like ritual of contemplation 4 To conclude, structure in music is the sense which composer has given; form in music is the shape and the propriety which composer wants to represent. In the premiere of 433, audiences were angry and negative, but after understood the inner sense and getting deeper into the purpose of Composer, people loved it. When you could not find the structure or the form in any particular piece, it does not mean that they were not existed. As I have said, everything has a reason to be there, such as composers have their own notions of creating music. The real music only appears after researching and understanding. ______________________________ 3 J.Cage, Silence: Lectures and Writings (USA, 1961), 109 4 R.Alex, The Rest is Noise, listening to the Twentieth Century (USA, 2007), 401 Selected bibliography: Books: -J.Cage, Silence: Lectures and Writings (1961, USA) -R.Alex, The Rest is Noise, listening to the Twentieth Century (2007, USA), 401 -P.Yates, Twentieth Century Music (1967, London) -J.Cage, A year from Monday: new lectures and writings (1985, USA), 77. -P.Marjorie, J.Charles, John Cage: composed in America (1994, USA), 193 Articles: -L.Eleni, Learning from Masters of Music Creativity: Shaping Compositional Experiences in Music Education, Philosophy of Music Education Review, 15.2 (2007), 93-117 -C.Hong, John Cage with his silence piece, Zhong Hua Music Review, 17.2 (2003), 78-92 Websites -S.David, Unreconstructed Modernist, the Atlantic online (Accessed September 1995),
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Kyoto Protocol Essay -- Environment USA Carbon Emissions Essays Pa
The Kyoto Protocol The Protocol: In December of 1997 the industrial nations of the world met in Kyoto, Japan to discuss a protocol that would require each nation to reduce their emission levels of greenhouse gases. On average the protocol required a 5.2% reduction on emission of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon-dioxide, in each signatory nation. 1 However some nations, like the U.S. who were obligated to reduce emissions by 7% of their 1990 levels by 2012, were required to reduce emission levels more or less than the average of 5.2% based on the current levels the nation emits. By March 16, 1997 the protocol was opened for signature and the first nations to sign were Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Maldives, Western Samoa, Switzerland and St. Lucia. Today 84 nations have signed the protocol and 104 have ratified it, accepted it, approved it, or come to an accession. 2 Although the United States under the Clinton Administration did originally sign the protocol; under the Bush Administration, in March of 2001, the U.S officially backed out of the Kyoto Protocol.3 According to President Bush the Kyoto Protocol "makes no economic sense, it makes no common sense." 4 Economically he was worried about the effects of the California energy crisis along with the threat of a recession. 5 In addition President Bush rejected the Kyoto Protocol because of its failure to include developing countries like China which is the second largest producer of greenhouse gases. 6 However, other nations of the world and our own nation saw it as "a moral lapse by the world's biggest polluter." 7 The United States, which only has 4% of the world's population, creates 25% of the pollution. 8 In an article written for the Seattle Times, Eric Sorensen f... ...February 9, 2003) 14. Shogren, Elizabeth. "Bush Pushes to Cut U.S. Greenhouse Emissions." June 10, 2001. Los Angeles Times. (accessed February 9, 2003) 15. Pianin, Eric. "Bush Offers No Alternative to Kyoto Treaty." Washington Post. (accessed February 9, 2003) 16. Shogren, Elizabeth. "Bush Pushes to Cut U.S. Greenhouse Emissions." June 10, 2001. Los Angeles Times. (accessed February 9, 2003) 17. Brodeur, Nicole. "City Thinks Global, Skips Things Local." July 24, 2001. Seattle Times. (accessed February 9, 2003) 18. Forgrave, Reid. "Resolution Sent to Council for Global-Warming Action." July 20,2001. Seattle Times. (accessed February 9, 2003)
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Electronic Medical Records vs. Paper Charting
Electronic Medical records vs. Paper Medical Charts By: Diedre Fitzgerald Rasmussen College Summer 2012 English Composition; Professor Pauley Electronic Medical records vs. Paper Medical Charts It is no secret that the medical profession deals with some of population’s most valuable records; their health information. Not so long ago there was only one method of keeping medical records and this was utilizing paper charts. These charts, although still used in many practices today, have slowly been replaced by a more advanced method; electronic medical records or EMR’s. The manner in which information is currently employed in healthcare is highly inefficient, which slows down communication and can, as a result, reduce the emergence and discovery of problems. Accelerating communication and the use of information creates new opportunities to improve healthcare, but also new opportunities for problems to occur†(Ethan, Norman, Prashila, Samuel, 2011, p. 3-4). Although t hey are very reliable, paper medical records are becoming a thing of the past while electronic medical records are among one of the new advancements in our technologically savvy world.Both paper charts and EMR’s ultimately give clinicians and patients the same result but the journey is far from similar; A paper free work environment was once something to only imagine but in our present day is this new age technology exactly what we imagined? Paper medical records are something that most anyone who has been in the medical field for more than a few years are familiar with. This method of patient charting is very cut and dry and keeps true to its form of being a reliable source of information on a patient.According to the Law and Contemporary Problems Journal, the main function of paper medical records is to serve as a container or storage device that is occasionally opened to add new information while at the same time, preserving an authoritative method of treatment (Ethan, Nor man, Prashila, Samuel, 2011). Another essential need when dealing with any kind of medical record is security. While paper charts only consist of ink and paper they provide a sufficient amount of security because they are hard copies of raw data that cannot be hacked into and/ or ccidentally viewed by the wrong eyes unless someone physically has the chart in their hands. On the other side of the spectrum is a relatively new concept; electronic medical records or EMR’s are booming in many areas of the medical field. EMR’s do much more than just keep records. Electronic health records (as they are sometimes referred to) or â€Å"EHR’s, have a wide range of information and communications technology (ICT) capabilities. EHRs do not simply provide the user with a larger and more convenient record; they provide a record that is continuously linked to other sources†(Ethan, Norman, Prashila, Samuel, 2011, p. 8). There are endless possibilities when it comes to EM R’s. According to many health care professionals, one feature about everything going electronic is the fact that any chart can be accessed at any time by anyone who is allowed access to it, therefore, eliminating the need to wait around on charts to be used by doctors, nurses, therapists etc. â€Å"EMR’s make my life so much easier, I do not have to wait for a doctor to finish dictating in the patients chart to start what I need to do with the insurance portion†(Olivia Widner Pre services coordinator, US Oncology, 2012).In the March issue of Massage Magazine, author Brandi Schlossberg (2012) discusses the enthusiasm about going â€Å"paperless†within different massage practices. â€Å"Going paperless is the best paper decision you can make, and it's something all of us can do to make a difference,†said Timonie Hood (2010), zero waste coordinator with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Pacific Southwest. â€Å"Going paperless elimi nates all the environmental costs and impacts associated with paper†(Schlossberg, 2012, p. 46).Not only are EMR’s the â€Å"green†option between the two but they also take up less space, require less staff to process paperwork, can be backed up on a hard drive to ensure an extra blanket of security and keep the files safe with protection. Just as with paper medical charts, security of the information is an issue to a lot of people and in its own way EMR’s take precaution in keeping people out of the charts that should not be there. Almost all EMR programs are equipped with password protection. Although EMR’s may be taking over the medical world, paper medical charts emain the most well recognized form for keeping medical records. There are however some things within paper charts that some medical personnel might argue make it a primitive aspect of the medical field. One argument in itself is that the abundance of paper that is utilized in paper ch arting doesn’t stand up to the â€Å"green†society we aspire to live in today. â€Å"Paper charting used to take so long, the papers would always get unorganized, they took up so much room in the nurses’ station and the worst was waiting for a doctor to finish with a chart so I could chart what I needed to†(Brittney Guggino LPN, 2012).Another acknowledged concern with paper medical charts is the illegible handwriting of clinicians, which is a common, longstanding problem. Being unable to read orders clearly creates an added risk when dealing with patients treatments, medications etc. Paper charts may be familiar but they come with many downfalls and it’s these downfalls which may sway a person’s decision in the opposite direction in regards to the keeping of medical records.Just as with any new advancement in our hi-tech world, EMR’s have some kinks that need to be worked out and in a lot of cases just dealt with. The cost of implem enting and maintaining an EMR system is significantly larger than that of a paper charting system. â€Å"The CBO recently conducted a study and reported that, on average, EHR implementation costs for hospitals amount to approximately $14,500 per bed for implementation. Annual operating costs amount to $2,700 per bed per year†(Dell, 2010).Some of the medical professionals that have been in the profession for a while may find it difficult to adjust to this completely new way of charting. The same populations of people who have trouble navigating a computer fall short of the typical learning curve when it comes to learning this new method of charting. According to the Health Information Management Journal â€Å"Going paperless is great, but going fully automated paperless is impressive†(Boo, Noh, Kim, Kim, 2011, p. 12). While this may be true, consider how this will affect the job market.There are thousands of people who are clerks, receptionists and medical assistants whose jobs are primarily filing, copying, assembling charts etc. Due to companies moving toward EMR systems, a lot of people are losing their jobs because there is no need for them because the computer is taking over their job, not to mention taking away the personable feel that is found in most offices and or hospitals. â€Å"I used to work at Tampa General Hospital as a clerk on one of the units but because we recently switched to a computer charting system I quit my job due to lack of hours.The only thing I stayed for in the end was scanning paper charts into the new electronic versions†(Justin Mukhalian, telemetry tech, 2012). Either way we view the evolution of medical charts we all know eventually paper products will dissipate so much to the point where they are hardly used in any aspect of our lives; this is just the nature of the beast. Electronic medical records were once a thing of the future, but the future is now and paper medical charts are becoming a practice o f the past.Both methods focus on providing the patient with quality healthcare while providing useful information for other clinicians reviewing patients’ charts to provide that same quality of care. With anything in life, you take the good with the bad and in regards to medical records it is ultimately about what is best for the practice, the patient and clinician. Paper charts are simple, familiar, and almost foolproof but EMR’s are modern, organized, and environmentally friendly.More than 20 years ago, businesses began anticipating a paperless workplace. Today, professionals continue to integrate the latest electronic systems into their business plans hoping to achieve a ‘paper-free’ environment. Is this the right move for our society? Only time will tell. References Cote, C. (2010, October). Going â€Å"paperless†or â€Å"fully automated paperless†? American Chiropractor, 32(10), 22-23. Retrieved from http://web. ebscohost. com. ezproxy. rasmussen. edu/? ehost/? detail? id=4;hid=104;sid=2b51330e-5843-4272-ba93-36c23c748071%40sessionmgr114;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=awh;AN=54575534 Dell inc. (2010). Electronic health record implementation: Costs and benefits. Retrieved from http://www. perotsystems. com/? MediaRoom/? library/? ServiceOverviews/? ServiceOverview_CostsAndBenefits. pdf Ethan, K. , Norman, S. , Prashila, D. , ; Samuel, S. (2011). Is there an app for that? Electronic health records and a new environment of conflict prevention and resolution. Law and Contemporary Problems, 74(3), 31-56. Retrieved from
Friday, January 3, 2020
Animal Testing Should Not Be Banned - 1261 Words
There will come a day when such men as myself will view the slaughter of innocent creatures as horrible a crime as the murder of his fellow man- Our task must be to free ourselves- by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature and its beauty. -Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Animal testing is an issue in today s general public that, regardless if anybody understands it, does influence each of us. Is some some testing needed by law? Medical advances, for example, transplants, antibodies, and drugs were all tried on animals before they were utilized on people. However, does government law guarantee that creatures utilized as a part of examination and testing are dealt with compassionately? Today†¦show more content†¦This bars feathered animals, fish, rats, cold blooded animals and farm animals (regardless of warm or cold blood) from experimentation. This Act requires reports on the testing and treatment of all creatures, but, allows tes ting that many feel goes too far. The strongest support for animal testing and analysis is that there has been a plethora of groundbreaking, lifesaving and substantial advancements in the field of medical science on account of the experimentation performed on animals. Studies have demonstrated that in the course of 100 years, real leaps forward in medical science were found through animal testing (no less than 85 percent). If not for puppies, insulin never would have been made in medicinal labs for the treatment of diabetes. Without chimpanzees, an immunization for Hepatitis B never would have been found. There are numerous different cures and antibodies that have been made and discovered because of testing. The absence of human volunteers and stringent laws about the misuse of a human being make animals a likely source. Animals have numerous biological structures that are fundamentally the same to a human’s that they are the ideal substitute for a one. Their organs work like a human’s, and many are smaller in size, making it less demanding for specialists and researchers to learn and study with. Since many medical studies include potentially poisonous materials, it is unlawful to put a man
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