Thursday, December 26, 2019
Funny Quotes About Women
Women are not easy to understand, at least according to the famous authors, poets, entertainers, and comedians who have written on the nature of women. None of them claim to fully fathom the female mind. Find out what they really think of these funny quotes about women  some written by men, some by women. Read wisecracks about a womans nature that make most women exclaim, Whats all the fuss about? But men say, How true, how true! Will Rogers There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works. Robert Heinlein Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Nancy Reagan A woman is like a tea bag. She only knows her strength when put in hot water. Sigmund Freud Despite my thirty years of research into the woman soul, I have not yet been able to answer the great question that has never been answered: What does a woman want? Margaret Mead I do not believe in using women in combat because females are too fierce. Aristotle If women didnt exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. James Thurber I hate women because they always know where things are. Malcolm de Chazal A woman knows how to keep quiet when she is in the right, whereas a man when he is in the right, will keep on talking. Freya Stark The great and almost only comfort about being a woman is that one can always pretend to be more stupid than one is and no one is surprised. Gloria Steinem Someone once asked me why women dont gamble as much as men do and I gave the commonsensical reply that we dont have as much money. That was a true but incomplete answer. In fact, womens total instinct for gambling is satisfied by marriage. Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry. Dave Barry Scientists now believe that the primary biological function of breasts is to make men stupid. Joseph Conrad Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men. Ogden Nash I have an idea that the phrase weaker sex was coined by some woman to disarm some man she was preparing to overwhelm. Virginia Woolf For most of history, Anonymous was a woman. Charlotte Whitton Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult. Chris Rock There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments. Mae West Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere. Mike Vanatta Woman arent confusing. Theyre a Sudoku-Jenga puzzle surrounded by Rubiks cubes strapped to a terrorist screaming at you in another language. Ann Landers Women complain about sex more often than men. Their gripes fall into two major categories: (1) Not Enough. (2) Too Much. Harry Haenigsen Feminine intuition is a fiction and a fraud. It is nonsensical, illogical, emotional, ridiculous and practically foolproo..
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Energy Sources For Alternative Energy - 930 Words
The constant increase and release of carbon dioxide emissions into our environment have drastic effects on our environment. These greenhouse gases warm the earth impacting its naturally occurring events and processes, such as acid rain, destruction of natural habitats, and even influencing the natural flow of the currents in our oceans. The goal has been to create diverse methods of generating powerful, dependable energy sources that do not have negative repercussions on our environment. Alternative energy refers to sources that do not create undesired consequences, such as fossil fuels do (Alternative Energy 2015). Not only are emissions from fossil fuels concerning, but also these resources are not going to be available for our use forever, making changes for alternative energy sources a pressing topic of discussion. British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell, two of the world’s largest oil companies, predict that by 2050, one third of the world’s energy will have to come from some type of alternative energy source (Alternative Energy 2015). Constant growth of population, climate changes, and depletion of fossil fuels makes it necessary for renewables to play a bigger role in powering our world. These resources are often thought to be ‘free’ sources of energy because they are naturally occurring events used to form electric power (Alternative Energy 2015). In addition, all of these forms have a large decrease in carbon emissions compared to conventional energy sourcesShow MoreRelatedAlternative Energy Sources1852 Words  | 7 Pagesmajor problem. This problem is the need for alternative energy sources which can be converted into electricity because the main energy source currently used is coal and the coal deposits will not last forever. The main alternative energy sour ces that many countries are currently researching are wind, solar, hydro and nuclear. But there is currently another source of energy that is heavily debated to see whether the pros outweigh the cons. This energy source is natural gas. The main reason for the heavyRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources1123 Words  | 5 PagesRough Draft: Alternative Energy Sources Imagine a world where sea levels have risen, a world where extreme weather happens more often and with more intensity, and a world that has very few species of animals left due to mass extinctions. (Environmental Protection Agency) But that future is still avoidable. The answer is renewable energy sources. Alternative energy sources are sources of energy that does not use fossil fuels, and generally are clean and renewable. (Jessa) Some examples include solarRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources1704 Words  | 7 PagesAlternative Energy Sources Air pollution, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, amounts for about 7 million deaths each year. On average, 1 in 8 deaths are caused by some type of air pollution. Fossil fuels are burned every day to keep the world functioning but are accompanied by tremendous amounts of pollution. The world needs energy sources that are as effective as fossil fuels but that come with less harmful pollutants than fossil fuels do. An effort must be made to pull away fromRead MoreAlternative Energy Sources894 Words  | 4 PagesAlternative Energy Sources â€Å"In United States around half of million deaths each year are attributed to air pollution. It is estimated that air pollution each day kills three people in the city of Hong Kong. Air pollution also contributes to soil and water pollution. More than 15,000 people in the world die each day because of water pollution†( With these statistics, it is no wonder people are coming up with alternative energy sources. From energy to gasoline, there are manyRead MoreGreatpoint Energy : An Alternative Source Of Energy712 Words  | 3 PagesGreatPoint Energy Company Description- GreatPoint Energy specializes in producing of clean and low cost natural gas using coal, petroleum coke and biomass. GreatPoint energy (GPE) has developed a catalytic hydromethanation process known as bluegasâ„ ¢ which is used for this conversion process. GreatPoint Energy prides themselves for their highly efficient, and environmentally safe product. Even more fascinating is that the natural gas produced is interchangeable with drilled gas and there is no needRead MoreSources Of Alternative Energy Sources926 Words  | 4 PagesAlternate Energy Sources Alternative energy sources are becoming more and more popular. The most important alternative energy sources are solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, ocean, and hydropower energies. Their main advantage lies in the resumption of energy resources. This paper will give information about each of sources as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Solar energy The Sun is a leading environmentally clean energy source. The process of generating electricity from sunlight has beenRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources2141 Words  | 9 PagesWhat are alternative energy sources? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse gasses. Alternative energy sources are not harmful to the environmentRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources2142 Words  | 9 PagesWhat are alternative energy sources ? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse gasses. Alternative energy sources are not harmful to the environmentRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Energy Sources2415 Words  | 10 Pages Abstract This report is on Alternative Energy Sources of Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric energies. It is an exploration of why are they termed â€Å"non-renewable. â€Å"Additionally, I will address the questions for each of the four type’s nuclear, solar, wind, and hydroelectric, how is it generated and what technology is required. I will also explore the advantages and disadvantages to the use of alternative sources as energy sources. Finally, I will address the specific environmental impactsRead MoreThe Alternative Source Of Energy1578 Words  | 7 PagesAlternative Source of Energy Over the past years, scientist began thinking deeper into the possibilities for energy that is renewable. They mostly looked into the sun as there number one source, the wind and other renewable options. Indeed, the sun for many years has provided heat for the earth whereby the energy it produces warms the earth directly and also indirectly. By so doing the heat makes water to evaporate lakes and other water sources like rivers and streams that eventually falls back to
Monday, December 9, 2019
Tourism Slogan free essay sample
TITLE: Tourism Slogan Its effectiveness in Marketing the Country A. Introduction In the past few months, news of the Department of Tourisms (DOT) new slogan for attracting tourists into the country quickly spread. Apparently, the DOTs replacement for â€Å"WOW Philippines†is â€Å"Pilipinas, Kay Ganda†. The tourism department received a lot of criticisms about the change. Critics questioned the rationale behind the change and whether using the local language will attract tourists.WOW Philippines has been used in the past years and was an effective promotional phrase because it is short, easy to remember and can easily be understood by everyone especially the foreigners. Conceptualized by then tourism chief and now Senator Richard Gordon, the word WOW means Wealth of Wonders among others. There are some in favor of this new slogan â€Å"Pilipinas, Kay Ganda†because they wanted to be used our own language in our country itself. But some are disagree and they still want the previous slogan WOW Philippines because they think that the government are maybe rushed in coming out with a new brand. But what we need is something that can be understood by any nationality and would create a great impact to every individual. The latest criticism and accusations making the rounds of social networking sites on the Internet is that the Pilipinas Kay Ganda logo was lifted from Polands own tourism campaign, â€Å"Polska†. A check with the official travel website of Poland showed that indeed, their logo has a striking similarity to Pilipinas Kay Ganda from the font, the colors, and even the use of a tree (well granted, that of the Philippines is a coconut tree, while that of Poland is, well a common tree).Theres a lot of speculations about our slogan that is not yet done. A debate that is still existing. Meanwhile, The DOT Secretary Alberto Lim says The latest effort by the government to craft and communicate an all-encompassing message to the world about what Singapore is all about, what makes it unique and great is likely to fail. It went on to argue that Singapore has firmly established itself as the premiere business destination. Why repackage Singapore to mean something else? Why fix it when it a int broke? Similarly, some people are questioning the wisdom of our own rebranding. Why not just build on the brand equity of Wow Philippines? With our limited budget, can we really successfully launch and sustain a new brand? The answer is quite simple. At a time when every nation, big or small, is either creating a new brand or repackaging their current ones, would you rather rehash an 8-year old brand? Besides, a new brand always generates a buzz that translates to more media mileage for the same promotional budget. Even more importantly, this is a good opportunity for us to express in a fresh manner the hope and optimism that the Aquino administration represents.Finally, let me just say that a brand, by itself no matter how solid the concept is, no matter how stunning the visuals are and how compelling the slogan is, no matter how big the budget is cannot guarantee success.  ¬ Singapore launched its new brand early this year. And already, they have achieved their arrival target for the year as early as October. We can only conclude that Singapore has successfu lly repositioned itself from a business destination to one where you can work and play. Of course, the brand launch was timed with the opening of a theme park and casinos.Without a doubt, Singapore’s old brand was relevant to its primary market –the business traveler. It was believable. The business and communications infrastructure were in place. And it was distinctive. Singapore was one of the few, if not the only one, who can claim to be the business hub in the region. When they expanded their market to include the leisure traveler, they needed to project a new Singapore. The idea of a â€Å"work and play†destination was certainly relevant to this new market. The casinos and theme park made it believable.And once again, Singapore can lay claim to that distinctive brand. Of course, a brand must also have attractive visuals and a catchy slogan. And Singapore’s new brand has that too. Now, we are looking forward which is the best slogan in tourism industry. If it is better in marketing the country and why does this slogan needs to be improve? or by this slogan, there is a possibility to effectively market the country? or this positioning statement for the country’s tourism promotion efforts may possibly go down in advertising and marketing communications as classic case of ineffective branding? We are targeting the students in Lyceum of the Philippines University taking up Bachelor Science in Tourism and faculty members in our CITHM (College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management) department as our respondents. The country’s new tourism slogan may not be accepted a hundred percent by everyone because of the different opinions of every individual. And because of that, we thought of using some strategies that may be applied in marketing the slogan and so as the country.The DOT may market the new slogan to the people by advertising it on television, radio, newspaper, and posting of tarpaulins. These may caught the interest of the individuals to involve themselves in marketing the country by supporting the new tourism slogan of the Philippines. And also , these strategies may inculcate to their minds the significance of using our own language in marketing the country. So they may understand why DOT come up with the new brand â€Å"Pilipinas,kay Ganda†rather than sticking to the previous slogan â€Å"WOW Philippines†.This study will determine the effectiveness of Tourism slogan in marketing the country. B. Background (History of the Problem) The history of the Tourism slogan of the country (Philippines) will determine the answers to the problem and the rationale of its change. The Philippines have a new administration. Naturally, everything must be renewed. Even including that slogan, WOW Philippines which is identified with the Arroyo administration. WOW Philippines slogan, might have worked in the past. It is doubtful if it is still. But since the Philippines is on new beginning it is but proper to repackage our country, slogan included. WOW Philippines is the slogan at the time when its leader was involved in many anomalies. It is the slogan in a time where the rulers abused their powers and it is the slogan when the country suffered from bad governance. This might just be a slogan but it is attached to the past administration. Why there is so much trouble about the present administrations act of changing anything attached to the past administration?Also, all of the slogan of former President of the Philippines Erap Estrada before Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) were replaced that of her. Those who are complaining now were the ones cheering when Gloria Arroyo unleash his broom to sweep all the appointees of Erap Estrada. Now, WOW Philippines attains no right to be the country’s tourism slogan. The change of the slogan was made after a very full research aimed at improving the tourism industry. The problem with the people of the past administration is that it thinks it has the monopoly of good ideas.If that were so, this country could have attained a first world status, after 9 years of their brilliant governance. Instead it still remain the sick man of Asia at part only of the economic rankings of lesser developed Asian countries. And what are the opposition Congressman doing when they join the chorus of protest against the new slogan? Current Philippine President Benigno Aquino III has ordered the Department of Tourism (DOT) to come up with a better slogan following the Pilipinas Kay Ganda (Philippines What a Beauty).
Monday, December 2, 2019
Role Of The Emperor In Meiji Japan Essays - Meiji Restoration
Role of The Emperor in Meiji Japan Japan is a society whose culture is steeped in the traditions and symbols of the past: Mt. Fuji, the tea ceremony, and the sacred objects of nature revered in Shintoism. Two of the most important traditions and symbols in Japan; the Emperor and Confucianism have endured through Shogunates, restorations of imperial rule, and up to present day. The leaders of the Meiji Restoration used these traditions to gain control over Japan and further their goals of modernization. The Meiji leaders used the symbolism of the Emperor to add legitimacy to their government, by claiming that they were ruling under the "Imperial Will." They also used Confucianism to maintain order and force the Japanese people to passively accept their rule. Japanese rulers historically have used the symbolism of the Imperial Institution to justify their rule. The symbolism of the Japanese Emperor is very powerful and is wrapped up in a mix of religion (Shintoism) and myths. According to Shintoism the current Emperor is the direct descendent of the Sun Goddess who formed the islands of Japan out of the Ocean in ancient times.Footnote1 According to these myths the Japanese Emperor unlike a King is a living descendent of the Gods and even today he is thought of as the High Priest of Shinto. Despite the powerful myths surrounding Japan's imperial institution the Emperor has enjoyed only figure head status from 1176 on. At some points during this time the Emperor was reduced to selling calligraphy on the streets of Kyoto to support the imperial household, but usually the Emperor received money based on the kindness of the Shogunate.Footnote2 But despite this obvious power imbalance even the Tokugawa Shogun was at least symbolically below the Emperor in status and he claimed to rule so he could carry out the Imperial rule.Footnote3 Within this historical context the Meiji leaders realized that they needed to harness the concept of the Imperial Will in order to govern effectively. In the years leading up to 1868 members of the Satsuma and Choshu clans were part of the imperialist opposition. This opposition claimed that the only way that Japan could survive the encroachment of the foreigners was to rally around the Emperor.Footnote4 The Imperialists, claimed that the Tokugawa Shogunate had lost its imperial mandate to carry out the Imperial Will because it had capitulated to Western powers by allowing them to open up Japan to trade. During this time the ideas of the imperialists gained increasing support among Japanese citizens and intellectuals who taught at newly established schools and wrote revisionist history books that claimed that historically the Emperor had been the ruler of Japan.Footnote5 The fact that the Tokugawa's policy of opening up Japan to the western world ran counter to the beliefs of the Emperor and was unpopular with the public made the Tokugawa vulnerable to attack from the imperialists. The imperialists pressed their attack both militarily and from within the Court of Kyoto. The great military regime of Edo which until recently had been all powerful was floundering not because of military weakness, or because the machinery of government had broken but instead because the Japanese public and the Shoguns supporters felt they had lost the Imperial Will.Footnote6 The end of the Tokugawa regime shows the power of the symbolism and myths surrounding the imperial institution. The head of the Tokugawa clan died in 1867 and was replaced by the son of a lord who was a champion of Japanese historical studies and who agreed with the imperialists claims about restoring the Emperor. Footnote7 So in 1868 the new shogun handed over all his power to the Emperor in Kyoto. Shortly after handing over power to the Emperor, the Emperor Komeo died and was replaced by his son who became the Meiji Emperor.Footnote8 Because the Meiji Emperor was only 15 all the power of the new restored Emperor fell not in his hands but instead in the hands of his close advisors. These advisers such as Prince Saionji, Prince Konroe, and members of the Satsuma and Choshu clans who had been members of the imperialist movement eventually wound up involving into the Meiji Bureaucracy and Genro of the Meiji Era.Footnote9 Once in control
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