Thursday, December 26, 2019
Funny Quotes About Women
Women are not easy to understand, at least according to the famous authors, poets, entertainers, and comedians who have written on the nature of women. None of them claim to fully fathom the female mind. Find out what they really think of these funny quotes about women  some written by men, some by women. Read wisecracks about a womans nature that make most women exclaim, Whats all the fuss about? But men say, How true, how true! Will Rogers There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works. Robert Heinlein Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Nancy Reagan A woman is like a tea bag. She only knows her strength when put in hot water. Sigmund Freud Despite my thirty years of research into the woman soul, I have not yet been able to answer the great question that has never been answered: What does a woman want? Margaret Mead I do not believe in using women in combat because females are too fierce. Aristotle If women didnt exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. James Thurber I hate women because they always know where things are. Malcolm de Chazal A woman knows how to keep quiet when she is in the right, whereas a man when he is in the right, will keep on talking. Freya Stark The great and almost only comfort about being a woman is that one can always pretend to be more stupid than one is and no one is surprised. Gloria Steinem Someone once asked me why women dont gamble as much as men do and I gave the commonsensical reply that we dont have as much money. That was a true but incomplete answer. In fact, womens total instinct for gambling is satisfied by marriage. Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry. Dave Barry Scientists now believe that the primary biological function of breasts is to make men stupid. Joseph Conrad Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men. Ogden Nash I have an idea that the phrase weaker sex was coined by some woman to disarm some man she was preparing to overwhelm. Virginia Woolf For most of history, Anonymous was a woman. Charlotte Whitton Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult. Chris Rock There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments. Mae West Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere. Mike Vanatta Woman arent confusing. Theyre a Sudoku-Jenga puzzle surrounded by Rubiks cubes strapped to a terrorist screaming at you in another language. Ann Landers Women complain about sex more often than men. Their gripes fall into two major categories: (1) Not Enough. (2) Too Much. Harry Haenigsen Feminine intuition is a fiction and a fraud. It is nonsensical, illogical, emotional, ridiculous and practically foolproo..
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Energy Sources For Alternative Energy - 930 Words
The constant increase and release of carbon dioxide emissions into our environment have drastic effects on our environment. These greenhouse gases warm the earth impacting its naturally occurring events and processes, such as acid rain, destruction of natural habitats, and even influencing the natural flow of the currents in our oceans. The goal has been to create diverse methods of generating powerful, dependable energy sources that do not have negative repercussions on our environment. Alternative energy refers to sources that do not create undesired consequences, such as fossil fuels do (Alternative Energy 2015). Not only are emissions from fossil fuels concerning, but also these resources are not going to be available for our use forever, making changes for alternative energy sources a pressing topic of discussion. British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell, two of the world’s largest oil companies, predict that by 2050, one third of the world’s energy will have to come from some type of alternative energy source (Alternative Energy 2015). Constant growth of population, climate changes, and depletion of fossil fuels makes it necessary for renewables to play a bigger role in powering our world. These resources are often thought to be ‘free’ sources of energy because they are naturally occurring events used to form electric power (Alternative Energy 2015). In addition, all of these forms have a large decrease in carbon emissions compared to conventional energy sourcesShow MoreRelatedAlternative Energy Sources1852 Words  | 7 Pagesmajor problem. This problem is the need for alternative energy sources which can be converted into electricity because the main energy source currently used is coal and the coal deposits will not last forever. The main alternative energy sour ces that many countries are currently researching are wind, solar, hydro and nuclear. But there is currently another source of energy that is heavily debated to see whether the pros outweigh the cons. This energy source is natural gas. The main reason for the heavyRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources1123 Words  | 5 PagesRough Draft: Alternative Energy Sources Imagine a world where sea levels have risen, a world where extreme weather happens more often and with more intensity, and a world that has very few species of animals left due to mass extinctions. (Environmental Protection Agency) But that future is still avoidable. The answer is renewable energy sources. Alternative energy sources are sources of energy that does not use fossil fuels, and generally are clean and renewable. (Jessa) Some examples include solarRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources1704 Words  | 7 PagesAlternative Energy Sources Air pollution, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, amounts for about 7 million deaths each year. On average, 1 in 8 deaths are caused by some type of air pollution. Fossil fuels are burned every day to keep the world functioning but are accompanied by tremendous amounts of pollution. The world needs energy sources that are as effective as fossil fuels but that come with less harmful pollutants than fossil fuels do. An effort must be made to pull away fromRead MoreAlternative Energy Sources894 Words  | 4 PagesAlternative Energy Sources â€Å"In United States around half of million deaths each year are attributed to air pollution. It is estimated that air pollution each day kills three people in the city of Hong Kong. Air pollution also contributes to soil and water pollution. More than 15,000 people in the world die each day because of water pollution†( With these statistics, it is no wonder people are coming up with alternative energy sources. From energy to gasoline, there are manyRead MoreGreatpoint Energy : An Alternative Source Of Energy712 Words  | 3 PagesGreatPoint Energy Company Description- GreatPoint Energy specializes in producing of clean and low cost natural gas using coal, petroleum coke and biomass. GreatPoint energy (GPE) has developed a catalytic hydromethanation process known as bluegasâ„ ¢ which is used for this conversion process. GreatPoint Energy prides themselves for their highly efficient, and environmentally safe product. Even more fascinating is that the natural gas produced is interchangeable with drilled gas and there is no needRead MoreSources Of Alternative Energy Sources926 Words  | 4 PagesAlternate Energy Sources Alternative energy sources are becoming more and more popular. The most important alternative energy sources are solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, ocean, and hydropower energies. Their main advantage lies in the resumption of energy resources. This paper will give information about each of sources as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Solar energy The Sun is a leading environmentally clean energy source. The process of generating electricity from sunlight has beenRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources2141 Words  | 9 PagesWhat are alternative energy sources? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse gasses. Alternative energy sources are not harmful to the environmentRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources2142 Words  | 9 PagesWhat are alternative energy sources ? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse gasses. Alternative energy sources are not harmful to the environmentRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Energy Sources2415 Words  | 10 Pages Abstract This report is on Alternative Energy Sources of Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric energies. It is an exploration of why are they termed â€Å"non-renewable. â€Å"Additionally, I will address the questions for each of the four type’s nuclear, solar, wind, and hydroelectric, how is it generated and what technology is required. I will also explore the advantages and disadvantages to the use of alternative sources as energy sources. Finally, I will address the specific environmental impactsRead MoreThe Alternative Source Of Energy1578 Words  | 7 PagesAlternative Source of Energy Over the past years, scientist began thinking deeper into the possibilities for energy that is renewable. They mostly looked into the sun as there number one source, the wind and other renewable options. Indeed, the sun for many years has provided heat for the earth whereby the energy it produces warms the earth directly and also indirectly. By so doing the heat makes water to evaporate lakes and other water sources like rivers and streams that eventually falls back to
Monday, December 9, 2019
Tourism Slogan free essay sample
TITLE: Tourism Slogan Its effectiveness in Marketing the Country A. Introduction In the past few months, news of the Department of Tourisms (DOT) new slogan for attracting tourists into the country quickly spread. Apparently, the DOTs replacement for â€Å"WOW Philippines†is â€Å"Pilipinas, Kay Ganda†. The tourism department received a lot of criticisms about the change. Critics questioned the rationale behind the change and whether using the local language will attract tourists.WOW Philippines has been used in the past years and was an effective promotional phrase because it is short, easy to remember and can easily be understood by everyone especially the foreigners. Conceptualized by then tourism chief and now Senator Richard Gordon, the word WOW means Wealth of Wonders among others. There are some in favor of this new slogan â€Å"Pilipinas, Kay Ganda†because they wanted to be used our own language in our country itself. But some are disagree and they still want the previous slogan WOW Philippines because they think that the government are maybe rushed in coming out with a new brand. But what we need is something that can be understood by any nationality and would create a great impact to every individual. The latest criticism and accusations making the rounds of social networking sites on the Internet is that the Pilipinas Kay Ganda logo was lifted from Polands own tourism campaign, â€Å"Polska†. A check with the official travel website of Poland showed that indeed, their logo has a striking similarity to Pilipinas Kay Ganda from the font, the colors, and even the use of a tree (well granted, that of the Philippines is a coconut tree, while that of Poland is, well a common tree).Theres a lot of speculations about our slogan that is not yet done. A debate that is still existing. Meanwhile, The DOT Secretary Alberto Lim says The latest effort by the government to craft and communicate an all-encompassing message to the world about what Singapore is all about, what makes it unique and great is likely to fail. It went on to argue that Singapore has firmly established itself as the premiere business destination. Why repackage Singapore to mean something else? Why fix it when it a int broke? Similarly, some people are questioning the wisdom of our own rebranding. Why not just build on the brand equity of Wow Philippines? With our limited budget, can we really successfully launch and sustain a new brand? The answer is quite simple. At a time when every nation, big or small, is either creating a new brand or repackaging their current ones, would you rather rehash an 8-year old brand? Besides, a new brand always generates a buzz that translates to more media mileage for the same promotional budget. Even more importantly, this is a good opportunity for us to express in a fresh manner the hope and optimism that the Aquino administration represents.Finally, let me just say that a brand, by itself no matter how solid the concept is, no matter how stunning the visuals are and how compelling the slogan is, no matter how big the budget is cannot guarantee success.  ¬ Singapore launched its new brand early this year. And already, they have achieved their arrival target for the year as early as October. We can only conclude that Singapore has successfu lly repositioned itself from a business destination to one where you can work and play. Of course, the brand launch was timed with the opening of a theme park and casinos.Without a doubt, Singapore’s old brand was relevant to its primary market –the business traveler. It was believable. The business and communications infrastructure were in place. And it was distinctive. Singapore was one of the few, if not the only one, who can claim to be the business hub in the region. When they expanded their market to include the leisure traveler, they needed to project a new Singapore. The idea of a â€Å"work and play†destination was certainly relevant to this new market. The casinos and theme park made it believable.And once again, Singapore can lay claim to that distinctive brand. Of course, a brand must also have attractive visuals and a catchy slogan. And Singapore’s new brand has that too. Now, we are looking forward which is the best slogan in tourism industry. If it is better in marketing the country and why does this slogan needs to be improve? or by this slogan, there is a possibility to effectively market the country? or this positioning statement for the country’s tourism promotion efforts may possibly go down in advertising and marketing communications as classic case of ineffective branding? We are targeting the students in Lyceum of the Philippines University taking up Bachelor Science in Tourism and faculty members in our CITHM (College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management) department as our respondents. The country’s new tourism slogan may not be accepted a hundred percent by everyone because of the different opinions of every individual. And because of that, we thought of using some strategies that may be applied in marketing the slogan and so as the country.The DOT may market the new slogan to the people by advertising it on television, radio, newspaper, and posting of tarpaulins. These may caught the interest of the individuals to involve themselves in marketing the country by supporting the new tourism slogan of the Philippines. And also , these strategies may inculcate to their minds the significance of using our own language in marketing the country. So they may understand why DOT come up with the new brand â€Å"Pilipinas,kay Ganda†rather than sticking to the previous slogan â€Å"WOW Philippines†.This study will determine the effectiveness of Tourism slogan in marketing the country. B. Background (History of the Problem) The history of the Tourism slogan of the country (Philippines) will determine the answers to the problem and the rationale of its change. The Philippines have a new administration. Naturally, everything must be renewed. Even including that slogan, WOW Philippines which is identified with the Arroyo administration. WOW Philippines slogan, might have worked in the past. It is doubtful if it is still. But since the Philippines is on new beginning it is but proper to repackage our country, slogan included. WOW Philippines is the slogan at the time when its leader was involved in many anomalies. It is the slogan in a time where the rulers abused their powers and it is the slogan when the country suffered from bad governance. This might just be a slogan but it is attached to the past administration. Why there is so much trouble about the present administrations act of changing anything attached to the past administration?Also, all of the slogan of former President of the Philippines Erap Estrada before Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) were replaced that of her. Those who are complaining now were the ones cheering when Gloria Arroyo unleash his broom to sweep all the appointees of Erap Estrada. Now, WOW Philippines attains no right to be the country’s tourism slogan. The change of the slogan was made after a very full research aimed at improving the tourism industry. The problem with the people of the past administration is that it thinks it has the monopoly of good ideas.If that were so, this country could have attained a first world status, after 9 years of their brilliant governance. Instead it still remain the sick man of Asia at part only of the economic rankings of lesser developed Asian countries. And what are the opposition Congressman doing when they join the chorus of protest against the new slogan? Current Philippine President Benigno Aquino III has ordered the Department of Tourism (DOT) to come up with a better slogan following the Pilipinas Kay Ganda (Philippines What a Beauty).
Monday, December 2, 2019
Role Of The Emperor In Meiji Japan Essays - Meiji Restoration
Role of The Emperor in Meiji Japan Japan is a society whose culture is steeped in the traditions and symbols of the past: Mt. Fuji, the tea ceremony, and the sacred objects of nature revered in Shintoism. Two of the most important traditions and symbols in Japan; the Emperor and Confucianism have endured through Shogunates, restorations of imperial rule, and up to present day. The leaders of the Meiji Restoration used these traditions to gain control over Japan and further their goals of modernization. The Meiji leaders used the symbolism of the Emperor to add legitimacy to their government, by claiming that they were ruling under the "Imperial Will." They also used Confucianism to maintain order and force the Japanese people to passively accept their rule. Japanese rulers historically have used the symbolism of the Imperial Institution to justify their rule. The symbolism of the Japanese Emperor is very powerful and is wrapped up in a mix of religion (Shintoism) and myths. According to Shintoism the current Emperor is the direct descendent of the Sun Goddess who formed the islands of Japan out of the Ocean in ancient times.Footnote1 According to these myths the Japanese Emperor unlike a King is a living descendent of the Gods and even today he is thought of as the High Priest of Shinto. Despite the powerful myths surrounding Japan's imperial institution the Emperor has enjoyed only figure head status from 1176 on. At some points during this time the Emperor was reduced to selling calligraphy on the streets of Kyoto to support the imperial household, but usually the Emperor received money based on the kindness of the Shogunate.Footnote2 But despite this obvious power imbalance even the Tokugawa Shogun was at least symbolically below the Emperor in status and he claimed to rule so he could carry out the Imperial rule.Footnote3 Within this historical context the Meiji leaders realized that they needed to harness the concept of the Imperial Will in order to govern effectively. In the years leading up to 1868 members of the Satsuma and Choshu clans were part of the imperialist opposition. This opposition claimed that the only way that Japan could survive the encroachment of the foreigners was to rally around the Emperor.Footnote4 The Imperialists, claimed that the Tokugawa Shogunate had lost its imperial mandate to carry out the Imperial Will because it had capitulated to Western powers by allowing them to open up Japan to trade. During this time the ideas of the imperialists gained increasing support among Japanese citizens and intellectuals who taught at newly established schools and wrote revisionist history books that claimed that historically the Emperor had been the ruler of Japan.Footnote5 The fact that the Tokugawa's policy of opening up Japan to the western world ran counter to the beliefs of the Emperor and was unpopular with the public made the Tokugawa vulnerable to attack from the imperialists. The imperialists pressed their attack both militarily and from within the Court of Kyoto. The great military regime of Edo which until recently had been all powerful was floundering not because of military weakness, or because the machinery of government had broken but instead because the Japanese public and the Shoguns supporters felt they had lost the Imperial Will.Footnote6 The end of the Tokugawa regime shows the power of the symbolism and myths surrounding the imperial institution. The head of the Tokugawa clan died in 1867 and was replaced by the son of a lord who was a champion of Japanese historical studies and who agreed with the imperialists claims about restoring the Emperor. Footnote7 So in 1868 the new shogun handed over all his power to the Emperor in Kyoto. Shortly after handing over power to the Emperor, the Emperor Komeo died and was replaced by his son who became the Meiji Emperor.Footnote8 Because the Meiji Emperor was only 15 all the power of the new restored Emperor fell not in his hands but instead in the hands of his close advisors. These advisers such as Prince Saionji, Prince Konroe, and members of the Satsuma and Choshu clans who had been members of the imperialist movement eventually wound up involving into the Meiji Bureaucracy and Genro of the Meiji Era.Footnote9 Once in control
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Duke Ellington
DUKE ELLINGTON Duke Ellington is considered to be one of the greatest figures in the history of American music. Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington was born in Washington D.C. on April 29, 1899. His parents were James Edward and Daisy Kennedy Ellington. They raised Duke as an only child, until his sister, Ruth, was born when Duke was sixteen years old. Duke, even as a teenager had a great talent for music. In the beginning of his musical life, Duke began to take a promising interest in a new type of music that would later be called jazz. Choosing to base his career on a new idea may not have been smart, but Duke did take this chance and in turn became one of the most famous musicians in America. Duke’s first job was at a government office. He was a clerk who received the minimum wage and was barely getting by. He would arrange dance bands for weddings and parties for extra money. His mother taught him how to play the piano. Sometimes he put this knowledge to use and played at a few of the dance parties and weddings. After Duke’s first job, he became more interested in painting and the arts. For a few years he painted public posters. Duke then decided to put together his own band. At this point in his life things started to change for the better for Duke, but not for long. In those days, this new music was just beginning to develop and would later be given the name of jazz. In that time it was considered to be low and vulgar because it was music that grew directly out of the Black culture. In those early years, segregation was at one of its all time worst points in history. I think that is why Duke Ellington was one of the most important individuals to the growth and development of jazz. During Duke’s long career, the new music slowly spread out of bars and saloons, to dance and nightclubs and then eventually onto the concert stage. In time, jazz became a universally recognized form of art and has been said that it is t... Free Essays on Duke Ellington Free Essays on Duke Ellington Edward Ellington "The Duke" The style of jazz made famous by The Duke came to define a decade. He considered himself to be a composer and arranger, rather than just a musician. Although he was a gifted piano player, his orchestra was his real weapon. The Duke never could have imagined the impact his vision would have on the future of music. Duke began playing music professionally in Washington, D.C. in 1917. His piano technique was influenced by stride piano players like James P. Johnson, and Willie "The Lion" Smith. He first visited New York in 1922 playing with Wilbur Sweatman, but the trip was unsuccessful. He returned to New York again in 1923, but this time with a group of friends from Washington D.C. They worked for a while with banjoist Elmer Snowden until there was a disagreement over missing money. Ellington then became the leader. This group was called The Washingtonians. The Washingtonians worked at "The Hollywood Club" in Manhattan. During this time the trumpet player Bubber Miley joined the band, bringing with him his unique plunger mute style of playing. This sound came to be called the "Jungle Sound", and it was largely responsible for Ellington's early success. The group recorded their first record in 1924, but the band didn't hit the big time until after Irving Mills became their manager and publisher in 1926. In 1927 the band re-recorded versions of "East St. Louis Toodle-Oo," debuted "Black and Tan Fantasy" and "Creole Love Call", songs that would be associated with him the rest of his career. What really put Ellington's Orchestra over the top was becoming the house band at the Cotton Club after King Oliver unwisely turned down the job. Radio broadcasts from the club made Ellington famous across America and also gave him the financial security to assemble a top notch band that he could write music specifically for. This gave him a new sense of freedom and variety in his music. Ellingt... Free Essays on Duke Ellington DUKE ELLINGTON Duke Ellington is considered to be one of the greatest figures in the history of American music. Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington was born in Washington D.C. on April 29, 1899. His parents were James Edward and Daisy Kennedy Ellington. They raised Duke as an only child, until his sister, Ruth, was born when Duke was sixteen years old. Duke, even as a teenager had a great talent for music. In the beginning of his musical life, Duke began to take a promising interest in a new type of music that would later be called jazz. Choosing to base his career on a new idea may not have been smart, but Duke did take this chance and in turn became one of the most famous musicians in America. Duke’s first job was at a government office. He was a clerk who received the minimum wage and was barely getting by. He would arrange dance bands for weddings and parties for extra money. His mother taught him how to play the piano. Sometimes he put this knowledge to use and played at a few of the dance parties and weddings. After Duke’s first job, he became more interested in painting and the arts. For a few years he painted public posters. Duke then decided to put together his own band. At this point in his life things started to change for the better for Duke, but not for long. In those days, this new music was just beginning to develop and would later be given the name of jazz. In that time it was considered to be low and vulgar because it was music that grew directly out of the Black culture. In those early years, segregation was at one of its all time worst points in history. I think that is why Duke Ellington was one of the most important individuals to the growth and development of jazz. During Duke’s long career, the new music slowly spread out of bars and saloons, to dance and nightclubs and then eventually onto the concert stage. In time, jazz became a universally recognized form of art and has been said that it is t...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives
List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives Verbs that are followed by other verbs can take either the gerund or the infinitive. A gerund is a verb ending in ing that functions as a noun. An infinitive is the basic or root form of a verb, typically preceded with to. Understanding how these words function is a crucial step in developing your English skills. The following lists of verbs followed by other verbs will help you practice using gerunds and infinitives within simple sentences. Note how the gerund and infinitive verbs (italicized) are used within the sample sentences. Verbs Followed by the Gerund Verb Definition Example Sentence abhor to hate John abhors working outdoors. acknowledge to recognize what someone has done She acknowledges his working hard on the project. admit to say that you have done Peter admitswasting time and money. advise to give advice I advise saving a little money every month. allow to permit She allows using smartphones in class. anticipate to expect I anticipate visiting New York next month. appreciate to be grateful for Jack appreciates your helping him out with the project. avoid to try not to do She avoids dating men over 30. be worth to be a good idea to spend the time on It’s worth spending some time on the grammar. can’t help to be able to not do Tom can’t help complaining about the heat. celebrate to party about We’ll celebrate working together for over 50 years. confess to admit that you did Alice confessed stealing the money from her sister. consider to think about We’re considering buying a new house. defend to give reasons why you did They defend purchasing the new car because they have two jobs. delay to postpone, put off We’re going to delay meeting until next week. detest to hate, despise Jack detests learning new vocabulary. discontinue to stop doing, providing The store discontinued providing customer service on demand. discuss to talk about We like to discuss learning techniques. dislike to not like Bob dislikes having to work so hard. dispute to say you didn’t do They dispute stealing the merchandise. dread to fear doing or experiencing I dread taking tests. endure to go through We endured listening to him for three hours. enjoy to have a good time doing Sarah enjoys cooking fine dinners. escape to get away from The students escaped taking the test because the fire alarm rang. evade to avoid He evades doing yard work on Saturdays. explain to give details about He’ll explain purchasing online next week. fancy to like very much They fancy eating donuts. fear to be afraid of I fear flying in airplanes. feign to pretend to do Mary feigns not knowing anything. finish to stop doing We finished shopping and went home. forgive to not be angry at someone anymore They forgave stealing the candy as the children didn’t know it was wrong. keep to continue doing We keep studying the same grammar every week. mention to say in passing They mentioned buying a new car last week. mind to object to I don’t mind smoking. miss to want something you don’t have I miss having more free time. necessitate to require to do The job necessitates lifting heavy objects. omit to leave out, delete We omitted discussing the new Smith account during the meeting. permit to allow We’ll permit fishing on Saturdays. picture to imagine Doug pictures retiring to Brazil. postpone to put off, delay We postponed traveling to Chicago for a week. practice to do over and over again Practice playing scales for 30 minutes every day. recall to remember Yes, I recall buying that book. recollect to remember Tom recollects playing baseball as a child. recommend to tell someone they should do something They recommend purchasing insurance with this product. report to tell about Tim reported spending twelve hours on the job. resent to not like that something that someone does Susan resents having to work so hard. resist to try to avoid doing Many students resist studying more than two hours a day. resume to start doing again We resumed speaking about the problem at the meeting. risk to take a chance on Jack risks making everyone angry with his stupid statements. shirk to not do something you should do Dan shirked paying for the children’s meal. shun to avoid contact with Don’t shun spending time with those you don’t know very well. suggest to say someone should do something I suggest buying a new camera. support to help someone with words, thoughts or money They supported our going to the doctor for help. understand to comprehend He understands investing in the stock market. urge to suggest strongly I urge spending some time learning the program. warrant to provide the reasons for doing The situation warrants investigating Mr. Todd. Verbs Followed by the Infinitive Verb Definition Example Sentence agree to say you will do Tom agreed to help me with the work. appear to seem to be She appeared to wait for a moment. arrange to put in some order I arranged to meet David next week. ask to inquire They asked to join us for dinner. attempt to try Doug attempted to say something. beg to urgently ask for The man begged to receive some help. can/can’t afford to permit I can’t afford to spend time doing this. can/can’t wait to allow time for Susan can’t wait to see Tom next week. care to have feelings for She cares to comment about the situation. chance to try I chanced to give it a taste and it was good. choose to make a choice Chris chose to not visit his friends last weekend. claim to say is true Dick claims to see UFOs! come to arrive at They came to purchase a new car. consent to agree to Martha consented to instruct the children. dare to risk doing We dared to take some time off work. decide to make a decision He decided to go to university in San Francisco. demand to insist I demand to receive help now! deserve to merit Peter deserves to have his time off this week. determine to come to the conclusion We determined to finish the project by the end of next year. elect to choose Alice elected to not come with us to the presentation. endeavor to try The company endeavors to provide the best possible service. expect to feel something should happen She expects to arrive in 30 minutes. fail to not succeed Unfortunately, they failed to get enough votes for the measure. get to receive We got to see our friends last week. guarantee to say will happen They guarantee to finish the work before 5 o’clock. hesitate to not be sure about She hesitated to say yes, but in the end, did. hope to want to happen I hope to see you soon. hurry to go to quickly Mack is hurrying to finish the report by 3 this afternoon. incline to tend towards He is inclined to not come to parties. learn to study and memorize The children learned to do many things at camp this summer. manage to do with difficulty Don managed to finish the job on time. mean to intend Dan means to speak with you this evening. need to have to have/do We need to think about this some more. neglect to not do something you should do The man neglected to give me all the information. offer to say you will do, give, provide We offered to help them with their homework. pay to spend money on We paid to become informed about the matter. plan to think about the future I plan to visit Chicago someday. prepare to get ready for They are preparing to leave on vacation. pretend to act as if The boy pretended to be a ghost. profess to believe Lori professes to believe in UFOs. promise to say you will do I promise to come over tonight for dinner. refuse to say you will not do Jane refused to do what he asked. remain to stay I remained to finish the work until 8 o’clock. request to ask for The man requested to speak to a lawyer. resolve to decide to do We resolved to clean up the house this summer. say to tell someone He said to tell you hi! seek to look for They are seeking to receive $1,000,000 in damages. seem to appear It seems to be very easy. shudder to physically react to something you do not like I shudder to think about all the problems in the world. strive to try hard to do Frank strove to meet all the demands of his boss. struggle to work hard to do The students struggle to understand all the grammar. swear to promise to do I swear to be a good boy in the future. tend to usually do Dianne tends to waste time on the telephone. threaten to say you will do a bad thing to someone The boss threatened to fire everyone. volunteer to say you will help They volunteered to help with the cooking. wait to let time pass We waited to see the doctor for three hours. want to desire I want to help you. wish to want to do She wishes to visit her parents in Ireland. would like to want I’d like to have a steak, please. yearn to desire very strongly I yearn to finish work today! Additional Resources Want additional practice or a chance to show off your new skills? Test your knowledge of gerunds and infinitives with this reference chart.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Booker T Washington and W.E.B bois Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Booker T Washington and W.E.B bois - Essay Example In addition, the need for change within the society should be presented effectively (Moore 56). Through examples and similarities, it is easier to build the case or idea and be able to influence the decision of the audience. In the two speeches presented to different audiences, it is evident that the success of presentation of the idea is in the speech by Du Bois. The speech by Du Bois is a true reflection of the challenges faced by the black community. Therefore, the speech by Du Bois is much better compared to the Booker Washington Speech. Effective speeches are meant to inform and inspire the public to be engaged in the change or improvement of the society. In the two speeches, the focus has been on the African American. In fact, conclusion of the speech makes it delightful and ensures that the audience understands the importance of speech and the need for action (Moore 123). The creation of the problem is done in the introduction passage effectively in the speech presented by Du Bois, which is different from the focus of the Atlanta speech. The Atlanta speech presents the issues using a system that ensures that the idea is not grasped accuracy. In fact, the ideas are not presented as fast as it should be in an audience speech. In addition, the focus of speech is presented much later. The presentation by Du Bois touch on the imperative issues associated with immigration and the need for integration of immigrants. However, the challenge of race is not addressed effectively in the Atlanta compromise. The compromise is not effective in presenting the solution to the problem. For a speech to be effective, it should bring out the challenges associated with race and conclude with the speaker’s perception and take of the challenge. For Du bois, the challenge and the conclusion is presented effectively in the speech, but Atlanta compromise does not present the ideas effectively. Speech presentation and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Short Essay Response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Short Response - Essay Example Sustainability, however, is hard to attain in urban areas, where cities with high population density equate to large production of wastes and rapid consumption of natural resources. One of the most pressing problems facing urban planners today is how to create sustainable urban communities and to bring existing non-sustainable communities to the path of sustainability. Some of the potential avenues toward solving the issue of sustainability are creating a new city that is similar to a town in walkability and closed-loop metabolism, but a global one, because of the use of technology and modern networks in attaining its sustainability goals; understanding the unique strengths and constraints of every urban community for urban planning/redesign; and incorporating ecological concepts and principles in how urban communities are perceived, which require collaboration across all main stakeholders, including the government, the business community, citizens, and other related professionals. The historical roots of these problems on sustainability are the vast industrialization across the world during the past centuries and the free-market philosophy of liberal economics and capitalism that disregard sustainability principles. Industrialization, since the eighteenth century up to now (as it goes in more in developing countries), has resulted to widespread exploitation of natural resources and workers alike (WCED 354). As the Brundtland report summarizes: â€Å"Thus today’s environmental challenges arise both from the lack of development and from the unintended consequences of some forms of economic growth†(WCED 354). In urban design, it means converting agricultural areas to manufacturing/commercial/residential/entertainment sites and creating high-rise cities where population is more compact and where resources are swiftly consumed.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
World Peace Essay Example for Free
World Peace Essay Every leader in the world aims to find a lasting solution to the problems that beset our planet but so far, peace on earth has continued to be an elusive dream. There are many movements, conferences, brotherhoods and fraternities all over the world that promotes the idea of world peace. Philosophers, theologians, politicians, and other great thinkers from the past up to the present have offered so many formulas and ideas for achieving peace but no one has yet came up with a solid answer to the question. Why is world peace so difficult to achieve? Perhaps the answer lies within our self. What have we done to make the world a better place to live in? How have we treated our brothers and our neighbors? If we look at the philosophies and teachings of great men and the number of world peace movements that have risen out of nowhere, the issue assumes even more layers and textures than the original idea. [pic] Is it possible to achieve world peace? Some great thinkers believe so. But if you are asking whether it can possibly happen in our lifetime, then that is something no one can answer. Only time can tell. But as long as everybody makes a conscious effort to work for it, then maybe we stand a chance of seeing the first signs of world peace happening. There are different ideas as to what constitutes world peace. Some people think it is the resolution of conflict that will bring about world peace. Others think that absence of hunger, deprivation or social justice would be a sign that world peace is finally happening. It is like looking at the forest without seeing the trees instead of the other way around. The perennial question will always be where to start. If we take time to read the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius or take a few minutes to look at the Bible, the common denominator lies with the â€Å"Golden Rule†which teaches â€Å"not to do unto others what we do not want others to do unto us†. This teaching rings true even today when we look at how people are treated in some parts of the world. War, violence, famine and social injustices are all handmaids of the devil. If we strive to treat other people like a brother, living harmoniously with one another, treating each other justly and fairly, there would be no conflict and the rest follows. For this reason, in order to achieve world peace, we have to start with ourselves. We have to be agents of change and ambassadors of good will. We should learn to live with our neighbors peacefully and do business with each other fairly and honestly. When we start with doing good to other people, we can inspire others to do the same. By paying the good deeds forward, we can multiply the number of people we touch with our goodwill and eventually it will spread and infect others. We cannot expect peace in the world unless we give that which in our heart we are prepared to sacrifice.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing Philosophies in West-Running Brook and Meditation 17 Essay
Philosophies in West-Running Brook and Meditation 17    No matter the elaborate chicanery afforded its disclosure or evasion, the subject of death relentlessly permeates the minds of men. Death and its cyclical, definitive nature connects all humans to one another. Robert Frost in "West-Running Brook" and John Donne in "Meditation 17" provoke a universal reexamination of the relationship between life and death. While both authors metaphorically represent this relationship, the former assumes a pessimistic approach by negating any correlation between the two, whereas the latter, voicing man’s dependence on G-d, optimistically surmises the crossover a restoration of our natural haven. Frost utilizes "West-Running Brook" as a catalyst towards an insightful philosophy comparing human existence to a west-running brook. The westward direction of the brook informs the reader of the poem’s focus on death due to the inherent archetypal associations between death and the sunset, which occurs in the west. "Running" and a stylistically choppy sentence structure convey the poet’s belief in the rapid and ephemeral pace of life. Repetition of the phrase "runs away" ("it runs away, it seriously sadly runs away") serves as a constant reminder of this transient aspect of life while adding an element of despair and loneliness. "The Frostian consciousness normally resides in the time-space continuum, and finds it extremely difficult to move behind or beyond†¦while remaining drenched in skepticism(Hart 442)." "What all this comes to is a detachment which in its cultural context is a poetry of isolationism(Traschen 63)." Frost’s isolation accosts the reader who cannot help but to sympathize and possibly empathize with his situation. Frost’... ...d Brave Scorn: John Donne. Duke University Press, 1982. 178. Kemp, John C. Robert Frost and New England: The Poet as Regionalist. Princeton University Press, 1979. 273. Lewalski, Barbara. Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth Century Religious Lyric. Princeton University Press, 1979. 253-282. Murry, John. "Donne’s Devotions." The Times Literary Supplement.11 Mar. 1926. No. 1260. Ogilvie, John. "From Woods to Stars: A Pattern of Imagery in Robert Frost’s Poetry." South Atlantic Quarterly. Winter, 1959. 64-76. Sherwood, Terry. Fulfilling the Circle: A Study of John Donne’s Thought. University of Toronto Press, 1984. 231. Traschen, Isadore. "Robert Frost: Some Divisions in a Whole Man." The Yale Review. Vol. LV, No. 1. Autumn, 1965. 57-70. Untermeyer, Louis. "Still Robert Frost." Saturday Review of Literature. 22 Dec. 1928. 71-74.  Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Behaviorism: Classical Conditioning Essay
There are four primary conditioning theories of behaviorism. These four theories are Pavlov’s (1849-1936) classical conditioning, Thorndike’s (1874-1949) connectionism (also known as law of effect), Guthrie’s (1886-1959) contiguous conditioning, and Skinner’s (1904-1990) operant conditioning. According to the text (Shunk 2012) Classical conditioning was discovered around the beginning of the 20th century by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov was studying digestive process in dogs when he discovered that the dogs salivated before they received their food. Pavlov utilized a tuning fork and meat powder. He hit the tuning fork and followed the sound with the meat powder. In the beginning, the dog salivated only to the meat powder, but after this was repeated, salivated at the sound of the tuning fork. In classical conditioning, a subject learns to associate one stimulus with another. The subject learns that the first stimulus is a cue for the second stimulus. In other words, the meat powder is an unconditioned stimulus and the salivation is the unconditioned response. The tuning fork is a neutral stimulus until the dog learns to associate the tuning fork with food. Then the tuning fork becomes a conditioned stimulus which produces the conditioned response of salivation after repeated pairings between the tuning fork and food. According to Guthrie’s Contiguous Conditioning the only condition necessary for the association of stimuli and responses is that there is a close chronological relationship between the stimuli. Guthrie states that punishment and reward have no significant role in the learning process because the reward and punishment occur after the association between the stimulus and the response has been made. He also believed that you can use sidetracking to change previous conditioning. Side tracking involves discovering the initial cues for the habit and associating other behavior with those cues. Thus sidetracking causes the internal associations to break up. In other words forgetting is due to interference rather than the passing of time. Operant conditioning was pioneered by B.F. Skinner and built on the classical conditioning work of Ivan Pavlov (McLeod 2007). It is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through these rewards and punishments, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. In operant conditioning, behavior occurs more frequently when followed by reinforcement, and happens less frequently when followed by punishment. The idea is that behavior is influenced by the consequences that follow. When you are rewarded for doing something, you are more likely to repeat that behavior. When you are punished for doing something you are less likely to repeat that behavior. According to the text (Shunk 2012) Thorndike’s connectionism has two parts. First when a particular behavior is followed by a reward, that behavior is more likely to happen again in the future. Second is that if a particular behavior is followed by a punishment that behavior is less likely to happen again in the future. Thus the rewarding behavior is learned and the punishing behavior is not learned. Connectionism emphasizes that the greater the reward or punishment, the greater the strengthening or weakening of the association. Behaviorism is based on the premise that behavior is a function of its environmental consequences or contingencies. Behaviorism was the primary paradigm in psychology between the 1920s through 1950 and is based on a number of underlying assumptions regarding methodology and behavioral analysis (McLeod 2007). Behaviorism deals with the consequences of behavior and those behaviors can be rewarded or punished. Reward reinforcements can strengthen behaviors or increase the behavior for example, giving praise promotes good behavior. Punishments goal is to decrease the behavior or likelihood of it happening again. A positive to behaviorism is that it tends to predict the behavior in certain circumstances. The possibilities to predict is the key to controlling behavior and thus avoid needless reactions. Another positive, is the notion of rewards and punishment in behaviorism can be very useful in order to adapt to the required behavior. In other words behaviorism suggests that one can predict and modify behavior by strategically controlling the consequences. In contrast the weakness of behaviorism is that it attempts to explain all the actions of a person only through visible occurrences, making it impossible to directly observe the occurrence of consciousness. So the main opposition is that the behavior of a person is always a learned association that was once supported or punished. Behaviorism in some ways neglects the individualism of every person by making the assumption that people are not responsible for what they do but rather implies that all of the behavioral acts of a person are based past rewards/consequences experienced. Behaviorism concepts can be applied to in home family counseling. First, weighing activities, projects and case plan objectives to correspond with the proportional amount of effort one would like for the family to put into these activities rewards and reinforces family effort, involvement and performance in those areas. Similarly, providing feedback during the development of the case plan and completion of case plan objectives rewards and reinforces learning over time, and should result in better retention and skill development. This later type of reinforcement frequently occurs with the parents but also can be used effectively adolescents as well in the form of things such as chore charts. The principles of behaviorism can be useful in facilitating learning within the in home counseling. However, they do not account for the motivation or thought behind actions taken because behaviorism focuses on behaviors that can be observed only. For example a family could be completing objectives in a case plan simply just to have the case closed rather than to actually progress in their parenting skills. According to the text (Shunk 2012) self-regulation involves behaviors, as individuals regulate their behaviors to keep themselves focused on goal attainment. Behaviorism states that behavior is learned, and new learning is a result of acquiring new behavior patterns by means of environmental conditioning. It can be argued that there is a correlation between the two, at least from a learner’s perspective. It can be said that self-regulation is reliant on goal setting and self-efficacy. Therefore unless learners have goals and feel that obtaining them is important, a learner may not activate the processes needed for self-regulation. Behaviorism could present itself in the form of classic conditioning that being learned behavior based on experience. A learner knows that in order to pass a class one must do well on assigned work. The learner would then make it a priority to work diligently on said work, through the process of self-regulation. The emphasis put on the work would be done so due to the learned behavior that if one does not do well one would receive a less than stellar grade and thus run the risk of not passing the class. References Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories: An educational perspective, 6th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson.Fields, H. (2011). Is Behaviorism Dead? Retrieved from McLeod, S. A. (2007).Behaviorism. Retrieved from
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Bar Codes Case Essay
1. (a). A bar code is a series of lines which differ in thickness and space in between each other which contain data to provide certain information on the product such as the Manufacturer, Product Description, and the Size. The purpose of the bar code is to simplify the amount of data which the staff needs to know and recognise by memory as all of the data is stored of the company computer. (b). Information that is contained in the bar code contains are the unique ID number which is the code number. (c). Information that is not contained in the bar code would be, in most cases, the price as all different shops which stock the product might need to charge different amounts. Also would be the manufacturers name, the product description, and the size and in some cases also the price as these would all be entered into the shops computer by someone. 2. (a). The barcode is entered into the computer/register by the scanner shooting a beam of light which will interpret the barcode. Once this has been recognised as a valid product the information relating to that barcode will be received from the main computer and the relative information will be displayed/. (b). If the barcode cannot be scanned then the person at the till would enter the barcode in manually with the set of numbers which are linked with the barcode into the computer to mark the item as paid. (c). Fresh fruit, vegetables and items from the delicatessen counter are dealt by either the customer weighing and putting a unique barcode on the bag themselves or by the person at the till weighing them and then manually entering the amount to pay into the register to add onto the final bill. (d). The chip and pin process is used by a person inserting their card and putting in their pin code instead of signing the bill using their signature. When they have put in their pin code and pressed enter the computer will verify that the code that the person has entered is the same as the card code and if it is the transaction would of succeeded but it they got it wrong they will either have to do their signature or they will have to prove that their card is theirs or they could be charged with fraud. (e). After the payment has been made the supermarket computer will add all of the items bought to their reordering list so that the bulk order is read to put in once they have reached their minimum stock level. (f). Incentives that regular customers could have would be the method of a club card or loyalty/reward card which can be used to either get money off the final payment or using points towards an item for money off. They could also give out school vouchers to get either computer or PE equipment. 4. (a). Advantages to the customer of using the computers in the supermarket is that there will be less chance of any errors, and also there will be more information about the item and a faster service. (b). Disadvantages to the customer of using computers is that the computer may not be working due to technical problems and may give the wrong information or it may not be working at all. 5. The list that would be given to a student for his after school job would be on a handheld device so that he would walk round and find out what needs to be re-stocked. This would be loaded from the main computer list of what is /is not on the shelves. 6. (a). The manager can find out what stock needs to be re-ordered by checking what has been bought since the last time he checked and what ever has been bought then it would need to be re-ordered. (b). The human would check the re-order list before the order is placed to make sure that all of the items have been entered correctly and that no items had been left off the list. He also needs to verify the stock levels. 7. Stock on the shelves and in the warehouse might not match the stock file on the computer if stock had somehow been made unusable such as being damaged or if the product has expired or if the item has been stolen. 8. (a). Advantages to the supermarkets of using computers are that they will not lose any money by making human calculated errors, (b). disadvantages to the supermarket of using computers is that the supermarket will be totally dependant on the machines and also training would be needed.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
3 Not Only . . . but Also Errors with a Choice of Solutions
3 Not Only . . . but Also Errors with a Choice of Solutions 3 Not Only . . . but Also Errors with a Choice of Solutions 3 Not Only . . . but Also Errors with a Choice of Solutions By Mark Nichol One of the most persistent and pernicious types of syntactical errors is the misuse of the point-counterpoint â€Å"not only . . . but also†construction. For each of the following three sentences, the discussion that follows offers not only one revision but also an additional option. 1. The loss or theft of intellectual property not only could undermine a company’s ability to compete but damage its brand and reputation in unanticipated ways. A minor but common error here is the omission of also in the â€Å"but also†setup for the counterpoint. The more significant problem is that if the verb associated with â€Å"not only†follows it, â€Å"but also†must be followed by a repetition of the verb or by a different but corresponding verb. Alternatively, move could to precede â€Å"not only,†and it can serve â€Å"but also†as well without the need for repetition: â€Å"The loss or theft of intellectual property not only could undermine a company’s ability to compete but also could damage its brand and reputation in unanticipated ways.†(Could can, alternatively, intervene between but and also.) or â€Å"The loss or theft of intellectual property could not only undermine a company’s ability to compete but also damage its brand and reputation in unanticipated ways.†2. It is imperative to not only design and implement appropriate corporate governance processes but also to assess the risks businesses can reasonably expect to face in the future. If to precedes the â€Å"not only†point, it also applies to the â€Å"but also†counterpoint, so the to immediately following â€Å"but also†is extraneous. If that other to is to be retained, the first one must be moved to follow â€Å"not only†to be in parallel to the one that follows â€Å"but also†: It is imperative to not only design and implement appropriate corporate governance processes but also assess the risks businesses can reasonably expect to face in the future.†or â€Å"It is imperative not only to design and implement appropriate corporate governance processes but also to assess the risks businesses can reasonably expect to face in the future.†3. Not only does the product clean lint on clothing, but also the interior of handbags, lampshades, curtains, furniture, car seats and flooring, animal fur, broken glass, and so much more. Here, both revisions also involve a slight rewording of the initial proposition and the follow-up so that readers do not get the mistaken impression that the product cleans lint from everything listed; the lint-removal aspect pertains only to clothing, though the product cleans everything else. Both revisions clarify that distinction, but the latter version is also more direct: â€Å"Not only does the product remove lint on clothing, it also cleans the interior of handbags, lampshades, curtains, furniture, car seats and flooring, animal fur, broken glass, and so much more.†or â€Å"The product not only removes lint from clothing but also cleans the interior of handbags, lampshades, curtains, furniture, car seats and flooring, animal fur, broken glass, and so much more.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers"Wracking" or "Racking" Your Brain?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Arraignment Stage of a Criminal Case
The Arraignment Stage of a Criminal Case After you are arrested for a crime, the first time that you make an appearance in court is usually at a hearing called an arraignment. It is at this time that you go from being a suspect to a defendant in the criminal case. During the arraignment, a criminal court judge will read in detail the criminal charges against you and ask you if you understand the charges. Right to an Attorney If you do not already have an attorney present, the judge will ask you if you plan to hire an attorney or do you need the court to appoint on for you. Defendants who cannot afford legal counsel are appointed attorneys at no cost. The court-appoint attorneys are either employed public defenders or private defense attorneys paid by the state. The judge will ask you how you intend to plead to the charges, guilty or not guilty. If you plea not guilty, the judge will usually set a date for a trial or a preliminary hearing. Pleading Not Guilty For You In most jurisdictions, if you refuse to plea to the charges, the judge will enter a not guilty plea on your behalf, because you do have the right to remain silent. You are permitted to plead , no contest (also known as â€Å"nolo contendere†) meaning that you do not disagree with the charge. Even if you plea guilty at the arraignment, the judge will hold a hearing to hear the evidence against you to determine if you are in fact guilty of the crime with which you are charged. The judge will also have a background check done and determine any aggravating or mitigating circumstances surrounding the crime before pronouncing sentence. Bail Amount Revisited Also at the arraignment, the judge will determine the amount of bail necessary for you to be free until your trial or sentencing hearing. Even if the amount of the bail has previously been set, the judge can revisit the issue at the arraignment and alter the amount of bail required. For serious crimes, such as violent crimes and other felonies, bail is not set until you go before a judge at the arraignment. Federal Arraignments Procedures for federal and state arraignments are very similar, except federal procedure dictates strict time restraints. Within 10 days from the time an indictment or information has been filed and the arrest has been made, an arraignment must take place before a Magistrate Judge.During an arraignment the defendant is read the charges against him or her and advised of his or her rights. The defendant also enters a plea of guilty or not guilty. If necessary, a trial date is selected and a schedule set for motion hearings, which may include in-court arguments as to suppression of evidence, etc.Note, the Federal Speedy Trial Act dictates the defendant has right to trial within 70 days from his or her initial appearance in U.S. District Court. Return to: Stages of a Criminal Case
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Hazardous waste sites Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Hazardous waste sites - Assignment Example The paper will provide an in-depth analysis of the background of incidents at Ambler Asbestos Piles site, the extent of asbestos contamination, the number of people harmed by the asbestos-related diseases, the studies conducted at the site, and what the EPA cleanup project entailed. For a long time, asbestos has been a prevalent mineral in Ambler, and its impact on human health as well as on environmental nature has raised serious health alarms such as causing asbestosis and mesothelioma; the impact of these diseases causes decline in mortality rates. In order to protect human health and conserve the environment from pollution, the Environmental Protection Agency implemented a cleanup project in Ambler, Pennsylvania through systematic remedy actions to curb the asbestos menace at the Ambler Asbestos Piles site. Burke reports that Asbestos has accumulated at Ambler Asbestos Piles site, especially the Wissahickon Creek towards the end of the 19th century. The accumulation of asbestos was as a result of disposal of asbestos-contaminated wastes by Keasbey and Mattison Co. Later on, Nicolet Inc acquired a part of Keasbey and Mattison Co and continues using the dump site to dispose of asbestos products. The company dealt in manufacturing asbestos building materials, for example, millboard and insulating boilers. Burke asserts that the federal Environmental Protection Company gave orders to the Nicolet Company to stop disposing of the wastes on the site, but the orders had little impact. The Environmental Protection Company fined the Nicolet Company with a $1.4 million lien in expenses to conduct a cleanup program. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), mesothelioma related deaths due to asbestos in Pennsylvania were high between 1999 and 2010. report that there were 1996 reported deaths due to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Assignment3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Assignment3 - Essay Example In other world, in real life, a tree is made up of the main stem and the branches. The branches get support or originate from the main stem. In my example, the same situation ensue, B, C, D and E explain more about A. as you go down the tree, it is clear that branch C and E also have branches. Those are referred to as sub-branches. They explain further on A through C and E. Like I mentioned in the above discussion, this is the most reliable form of diagramming techniques which is easier to explain and understand. The second that I consider my favorite diagramming technique is the dataflow diagram. This example explains how the operation flows from one level to another. The objects that represent data are shown and they obviously relate to the procedure in place. In this case, the diagram is only useful in indicating or rather showing how data flow. It does not require much explanation, in fact if there is any explanation required, it must be very basic. The diagram I have used as my example is self-explanatory, a step explains more about the previous. The other major advantage of this format is that there are writings on the side of the arrow; the writings explain what happens between the stages. Lastly on examples, I will talk about my third favorite diagramming technique. The name of the diagramming technique is Data flow graphs. This is a graph which is in other words referred to as directed graph. It consists of some kind of edges. The edges represent the flow of data. It also contain nodes, the nodes represent all operations that goes on in the graph. The diagram below explains; My response to the question why we should do conceptual analysis of visual images is that it does well in explaining the point deeper. I will use an example of a classroom environment where a teacher, for instance, is lecturing and giving notes to students in titration in Chemistry (this is just an example to explain my point
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
McGregor's Theories and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in Relation to Essay
McGregor's Theories and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in Relation to Modern Marine Management Practices - Essay Example The role of managers can be interpreted as that of looking over or ensuring people work as expected. As a process, management aims at maintaining an environment where individuals can work together to meet the set targets (Koontz and Weihrich, 1990, p.4). A broader form of management gives different implications. One of these is that it assigns managers with the role of planning, organizing, staffing and leading. Secondly, management is not limited to specific groupings as it applies to any kind of organization. In addition to that, it applies to all managers regardless of the organizational level they are at. Also, the driving force behind every manager is to create surplus. Management also deals with productivity of an organization. Hence, emphasis is laid on effectiveness and efficiency.Also, the aim of organizational behavior is to help managers map out the organization’s future through a better understanding of human behavior (Hersey & Blanchard, 1996, p.80). Some of the k ey areas in management include problem solving, administration, human resource management and leadership of the organization. Organizations face challenges on a daily basis that affect its performance. Thus, it is the management’s responsibility to identify and analyze the problems then implement the necessary remedies. Administration, on the other hand, implies overseeing the implementation of the laid down procedures. Human resource management involves integration of human resource, analysis of workers and overseeing flow of ideas between an organization’s shareholders and its workers. Leadership looks into interpersonal relationship, personal integrity and management skills. Theories serve as perspectives which people use to get a better understanding of experiences that they face (Stoner et al. 1995, p. 31). These generalizations and principles give a framework that can be used to study a given area of knowledge. Several approaches have been given to management ana lysis. Thus, management theories have been formulated to explain and analyze the management process. Different conflicting views have been given and for this reason, some scholars refer to this situation as the ‘management theory jungle’ (Koontz, 1961: pp.174-188). Some of the theories that can be used to analyze management are McGregor theories and the Maslow hierarchy of needs. McGregor theories Douglas McGregor was an American social psychologist who came up with management ideas that he covered in his X-Y theory. This theory is commonly referred to in management and motivation. According to McGregor, there are two approaches to managing people (McGregor, 1985, p. 16). Many managers prefer to apply theory x which unfortunately gives poor results compared to theory y. a. Theory x Theory x is also known as the authoritarian management style. This management style is characterized by workers who dislike their work (Business Balls, 2012, p.1). These people have to be for ced to work with threats of punishment upon failure to meet organizational objectives. Also, such workers shy off from responsibility and prefer to be directed on what to do. Theory x managers are goal oriented and result driven. These managers are intolerant to epole that fail to meet deadlines. This leads them to act in aloofness and arrogance. These managers create a dictatorial environment where
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gender in Advertising An Analysis
Gender in Advertising An Analysis Women have been portrayed in numerous roles throughout the ages in advertising, varying from wife and mother to business women. This essay will delve deeper into two certain time periods, (the 50-60s through to the 2000 to present day.) and what roles woman were portrayed in during these times. If there is significant changes between the two time periods questions will be asked into why they have changed and is this due to different attitudes in society. As Advertising of the 1960s, was considered a decade often called the Golden Age of Advertising. (Nemhauser, M. (2014) Real Mad Men, P1) It would be thought that the adverts within this era would be powerful and memorable. However it is memorable to woman for all the wrong reasons. Woman within adverts through the 50-60s were only ever portrayed as wives and mothers, and more often than not they were always making a mistake within their role. For example within Figure (Figure 1, 1960s Folgers Coffee Ad) 1, it shows a print screen of an advert by Folgers. Within these averts It portrays woman who are incapable of making a good cup of coffee for their husbands. All of the Folgers adverts around the 1960s went with the same vain. That before the men were going out to work on a morning their wives would make them an awful cup of coffee. Portraying woman as useless wives that couldnt even do the simplest task correctly. The strategy behind the advert was to guilt trip women into buying Folgers coffee so that they could finally make their husbands happy. Although this technique did work, when looking back onto this advert, it simply berates and undermines woman. However as the war had passed and lead to more woman taking on other roles in work forces rather than just wives and mothers, advertising changed with them the times. Different forms of advertising made use of this revolution by showing woman taking on different roles like secretaries. Although this should have been a good thing, portraying woman out of the house, it still showed very sexist views against woman as a gender. For example woman were never seen as the boss or anyone in power they were always just a general lower class employee, and often only at work to help men. A primary example of this can be seen within Figure 2. A classic Xerox advert that portrayed a woman as a mans secretary having to do jobs like printing, scanning, filing etc. All jobs that would help the man within his career. Although this isnt enough to show a woman as just a secretary, the advert has the woman stating many things that she cant do. I cant type, I dont take dictation I wont sharpen pencils, I cant file, and my boss calls me indispensable. This portrays the woman as a (Figure 2, 1960s Xerox Ad) very weak individual. The advert goes on to show the woman being told to photocopy something for her boss, and shes able to due to the Xerox machine as its easy to use just press a button and it does the work for her. Although the adverts have changed from wives in the kitchen to a woman actually working for herself, all the adverts in the 50-60s have the same underlying message. Which is that woman cant do anything right, and If they do its because theyve had help from a product, such as a Xerox machine or Folgers Coffee. Which in turn portrays woman as the weaker class in comparison to men. The final advert to investigate is a print advert, figure 3, from the 1950s for Mr Leggs. Through this print advert the message is more direct than the others, the fact that men are far more superior to woman. This was only hinted at through the other adverts, as the man went off to work to earn the money while his wife couldnt even make a coffee. To a boss telling his secretary to do something that she wouldnt have been able to do without Xerox. Although they both shown men as superior, figure 3 displays this message in a much more abrupt way. As seen within the poster a man walks all over a woman, and the message that can be taken from the ad is that a woman can easily be tamed with the use of brute force, animal magnetism and a pair of Mr Leggs Slacks. (Figure 3, 1950s Mr Leggs Ad) In conclusion adverts from the 1950-60s portrayed woman in not the best light. It showed them as people who cannot do things right without the help of either a man or a product. Causing them to be seen as the weaker sex and inferior to men. This could be due to the fact society in that era were very set in their ways. It was the men who went off to war and the woman stayed to look after the house and children. It had always been this way and nothing had ever changed it. However due to the growth of feminism in the late 1960s the debate over the portrayal of woman in adverting intensified and the National Organization for Women, founded in 1966, sought to eliminate gender based stereotypes in the mass media. (Unknown author, (2003) Woman: representation in advertising.) This could have been the start of where woman were giving an equal representation within the adverts we see to this day. (Figure 4, 2007, Dolce Gabbana ad) It is only since the mid-20th century that women have been shown in roles other than house wives and woman doing their job wrong. Therefore this must mean advertising has taken a turn for the better, where the portrayal of woman is concerned. Yet when looking at Figure 4, it shows a woman being restrained by a man while other men look on. This feels again degrading to woman in a different way to the ads of the 50-60s, as there is actually no body copy or script stating that woman are inferior to men however this is stated through just the use of the image and is still just as demeaning towards the female figure. The role of the woman in this ad seems to be there for the pleasure of the men. As the look on the womans face almost looks expressionless, and absent from the scene as if she is trying to escape the thought of the situation. The fact that she is being restrained also suggests that the woman needs to do whatever the men want, much like the ads from the 60s. This particular ad vertising campaign was banned a few weeks after its launch due to the backlash it received from woman. Another campaign was launched in 2013 by American Apparel, figure 5. This shows two ads portraying a man and a woman in the same shirt. The campaign is trying to sell the same unisex shirt to men and woman in two different ways. However both the ways used seem to be geared towards men. As the woman is half naked therefore being used as a sexual object to sell the shirt to men. This type of advertsing is not geared towards woman (Figure 5, 2013, American Apparel ad) Compare / contrast adverts / significant changes between them: There is less body copy on the more recent adverts however still the same underlying meaning have. There is difference between the two times periods, therefore indicating there has been some change in the attitudes of society. Peoples attitudes have most certainly changed due to the fact the Dolce Gabbana ad was actually pulled just a few weeks after its launch. This shows that woman do have a voice and are listened to. Unlike in the 50-60s where if the woman did not like the way they had been portrayed in an advert, then it was probably their fault for being offended anyway. Although there is changes in society, images of woman in advertising have hardly been uniform, but several themes recur; the housewife ecstatic over a new cleaning product; the anxious woman fearing the loss of youthful attractiveness; the subservient spouse dependent on her assertive husband; the object of means sexual gaze and desire (Pope, D. (Unknown date) Making sense of advertisements, P6). This has always been the case since advertising begun and to this day. Showing us that society has changed from showing woman in multiple roles rather than just a woman doing something wrong. However these multiple roles can always be seen in one of the groups stated by Daniel Pope. To conclude the roles of woman have changed throughout time. However even though the roles have changed from housewife to beautiful models there still is a reoccurring theme throughout all of the adverts examined. That sexism in which woman are portrayed has only adapted from woman needing men to pleasing men, it hasnt went away or got any better. Its is just been advertised in different ways. A lot of the adverts today show woman as just sex symbols, to please men and due to this all ads seemed to be geared towards men. Furthermore I think womans roles in advertising has always been inferior to men, and probably always will be until everything between men and woman is equal.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Blind Obedience Essay -- essays research papers fc
Blind Obedience      While sitting in church on Sunday going through the same motions of every Sunday, my son leans over to ask, â€Å"Why do we have to stand up for this prayer?†My response â€Å"because we are supposed to†. Reading â€Å"The Children’s Story†by James Clavell, made me think a little more about this question that I had no answer for. A person needs to be able to explain why he does what he does. Children are innocent and unknowing; they are like a blank piece of paper waiting to be filled up with drawings and ideas. This book shows just how easy it is to mold a child. It uses a classroom of children facing a major change in their lives as the setting. The story moves quickly and the characters are only briefly sketched out. The story has a science fiction â€Å"feel†to it. The events preceding the story include a war (with an unknown opponent) that we have lost. The main character among the children is Johnny whose father fought in the war and is now being held prisoner. Johnny is afraid for his father and about the changes that are coming to his school because of the defeat. The author is able to assume that we all share common experiences from our youth and our days in grade school, introducing the characters with a minimum of prose. The major theme is critiquing education systems that teach children what to think by repetition and memorization. Clavell uses the story to point out how that makes individuals vulnerable to manipulation. How many ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
School Age Observation
I observed Mark in his fourth grade classroom during a science lesson. Mark is an intelligent ten year old child, but he has a difficult time paying attention to his teacher. He likes to get a lot of attention and when he gets bored he turns his focus to other destructive matters, such as, throwing pencils up into the ceiling. Throwing pencils in the ceiling has gotten him in trouble many times, and once he was kicked out of the classroom for it. When he becomes uninterested he stops paying attention to instruction completely. When he is bored, he needs to find another activity to fill the void, and that activity will be something that distracts the teacher and his classmates; two characteristics that make it interesting and entertaining to him. From my observations, I believe Mark’s behavior problems are the result of a lack of attention and disinterest from the people in his life, and a general sense of laziness and intimidation for tasks that seem difficult. Mark comes to school with an unclean appearance (dirty clothes, messy hair, looking like he has not bathed) and without the proper tools to actively complete his assignments. For example, he comes to school without any pencils or paper and his backpack is a mess of old crumpled papers. Mark’s behavior problems decreased as his teacher had time to give him one on one attention and break down his tasks into smaller assignments while giving him encouragement and the sense of working hard and having accomplished something. Mark read well, but at a slow pace that would become frustrating to him. He stumbled over words and his classmates had annoyed looks on their faces as he took so long to read a paragraph aloud. His teacher also realized this and later took the time to explain the textbook pictures and figures to him so he could visualize the content he was reading about. His teacher told him that if he becomes bored of the assigned work of looking up vocabulary words then he should switch tasks for a few minutes so he can take a break. When he would start to lose interest he would start trying to talk and get the others’ attention. He would stop his work, look around, and then call out, â€Å"This is boring! to the kids around him. There was a boy sitting next to him at his table that he would poke with a pencil and laugh at when the boy would get mad. He also spent a lot of time staring out the window and digging a groove into his pink erasure with his pencil. When his teacher was able to come and give him one on one attention he was attentive and looked at the teacher as she talked. Mark’s teacher creates a â€Å"to do†list for him so that he can check things off as they are completed. At the end of the section Mark was able to check off several things from his list, and he was proud that he was able to complete so many things. He bragged to his classmates at his table by showing them his list so they could see everything that he had finished. Mark is not a mean child, nor does he want to hurt others, but he needs more positive attention in his life. With the absence of positive interest from those around him, he seeks out anything he can get, which naturally ends up being the negative attention. His teacher does not always have the time during a lesson to cater to Mark, but she tries to check on him frequently because of the results it brings. After he was given extra help and saw what he was able to accomplish when he set his mind to a task the effects began to show in the classroom. Of his own initiative, Mark took out a piece of paper and started taking notes once his math lesson began. He teacher commented to me that that does not happen very often.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Macbeth William Shakespeare Essay
(i) â€Å"Shakespeare’s Macbeth invites us to look into the world of a man driven on by ruthless ambition and tortured by regret.†Write a response to this view of the play, Macbeth, supporting the points you make by reference to the text. Mark ex 60 by reference to the criteria for assessment using the following breakdown of marks. P18 C18 L 18 M 6 60 marks A+ B C D E- 100% 60 – 51 42 33 24 23 – 0 30% 18 – 16 13 10 8 7 – 0 10% 6 – 5 4 3 3 2 – 0 Expect candidates to respond by treating of both ambition and regret, though not necessarily equally. Allow that candidates may view Macbeth as a man â€Å"driven on†by the ambitions of others in his world, e.g. Lady Macbeth, Malcolm, Banquo, and so on. Expect the focus of discussion, in such cases, to centre on the impact that the ambitions of others make upon Macbeth. Code A for ‘ambition’, R for ‘regret’, and A/R for points combining the two. Possible points: Ambition: – his eager response to the witches – the killing of Duncan and Banquo – his obsession with ‘vaulting ambition’ – he embarks on a tyrannical rule, determined to hold on to power – Lady Macbeth, however, questions his capacity to be ruthless – his soliloquies repeatedly qualify the ruthlessness of his character Etc. Regret: – Macbeth wrestles with his conscience – he is plagued by visions of his evil deeds and their consequences – following the murder of Duncan he is incoherent and tormented – he is haunted by the realisation that he has achieved a ‘fruitless crown’ and a ‘barren sceptre’ – his mind is ‘full of scorpions’ – for him life becomes progressively more empty and worthless Etc.
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